Prices for services

Software for WindowsSoftware for
Software for<br> LinuxSoftware for
AgricultureAgriculture Products UpdateProducts Update ServicesServices

Software cost includes cost of annual technical support - free updating of versions (within the older version numbers) by downloading of updating from the site, the provision of the information and technical assistance by means of the answer to treatment in the forum. Each subsequent year of technical support is extra paid at the rate of 20% of program cost (one workplace), including VAT.
The cost of GIS software products with the fixed and floating license per one workplace - the same. The minimum number of workplaces on a single key with a floating license - 3. All products support multi-user access to spatial data in the network.
Fixed license requires a dongle for each workplace, a floating license - the presence in the local network of a dongle, which allows to perform the paid number of copies of software on any computers at the same time.
For the fixed license the dongle is available in forms-factors micro (it is specified in the order).

 Product ID  Products and Services Price, €
2300  Dongles
2301  Replacement of a damaged dongle for the fixed license 33
2302  Replacement of a damaged dongle for the floating license 66
2303  Delivery of the products (documents) by express mail 44
2304  Delivery of the products (documents) by mail of Russia 16,50
2305  Replacement of dongle for the fixed license onto a dongle in forms-factors micro 44
2700  Training
2704  Geoinformation technologies the Panorama. Basic course- 18 hours (3 days) at the Customer's territory for group up to 10 persons 8 382
2800  Cartographic work
2801  Development of classifier of thematic conventional symbols (the price is specified for the classifier of 150 objects) 2  513,50
2802  Creation of a cadastral map on the basis of XML-files of cadastral plans of territory negotiated price
2900  Converting digital maps
2901  From MapInfo (MIF/MID) to SXF (the price is specified for 1 000 objects) 1,1
2902  From ArcView (SHP) to SXF (the price is specified for 1 000 objects) 1,65
 Customizing a file of conformity and creation of classifiers DXF and RSC for the "Converter of large-scale plans in format DXF":
2903  Formation and customizing a file of conformity, DXF classifier creation in accordance with the requirements of the customer, creation of classifier RSC in accordance with the requirements of the customer (price for 1 object) 22
2904  Formation and customizing a file of conformity, creation of classifier DXF in accordance with the requirements of the customer (price for 1 object, classifier RSC is provided by the customer) 16,50
2905  Formation and customizing a file of conformity, by classifiers RSC and DXF, provided by the customer, meeting the requirements (the price for 1 object, without the need for additional works) 11
3000  World Map (supported language: russian)
3002  Digital thematic map of the territory of the World on a scale of 1:5 000 000 (format SXF) 7 540,50
3100  Map of Russia (supported language: russian)
3101  Digital thematic map of the territory of Russia at scale 1:1 000 000 (format SXF) 3 982
Software for WindowsSoftware for
Software for<br> LinuxSoftware for
AgricultureAgriculture Products UpdateProducts Update ServicesServices