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Complex of geological tasks
Set of applied tasks for processing of results of engineering-geological researches, preparation and formation of drawings of engineering-geological columns and cuts, calculation of volumes and creation of earthwork plans.
GIS "Panorama" provides a set of functions oriented on processing the data of geodetic and engineering-geological surveys of the terrain, processing the measurement results, their mapping and forming the engineering drawings in an automatic and automated mode on the basis of the metric and semantic objects description.
The digital geology.rsc classifier is intended for representation on the map of special engineering-geological objects. The classifier is created in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.302-96 and contains all the necessary conventional symbols and signs and can be used to create maps of engineering and geological conditions.
The composition of layers, semantics, objects, as well as the external view of conventional symbols can be changed or supplemented at the request of the user. Possibilities of the software for editing the map classifier allow you to create conventional symbols practically of any complexity, and functions of connecting and setting the TrueType fonts allow you to use ready-made symbols and geological fonts.
Standard map display capabilities have been expanded at the expense of using the functions of "Geological editor" application task.
The results of the terrain exploration can be mapped in the form of sampling points and into the semantics of these objects the information about the geological structure can be entered. At the same time, the binding the external view of the exposed strata to the conventional symbols from the digital classifier and input of the text description of a layer and conditions of its bedding are provided. Based on the numerical values of the depth of bedding the top and subface of the layers, a drawing of the engineering-geological column is formed at the sampling point. The drawing is formed automatically and can be built both for one point and for a group of selected sampling points. The mode "Construction of geological sections in the form of a scheme" provides creation in the automated mode of the drawing of a geological section along a line specified by the user. The use of standard GIS "Panorama" tools allows you to edit a drawing and compose it from several maps obtained from various source data.
Application "Calculating volumes of earthworks" based on the information on the initial (topographic) and design surface of the relief provides the calculation of the numerical value of the volume of earthworks and the creating the scheme of earthwork in the automatic mode.
Initial, design and working marks are put on the map, and in the center of squares – values of earthworks volumes which were calculated in two ways: by the working marks and by the elevation matrix.
For a visual presentation of information about the geological structure of terrain in the GIS "Panorama" the matrix of layers is used. Using the matrix of layers, you can build a section along any line and get an engineering-geological column at any point on the map.