Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
KB "Panorama" has developed GIS "Panorama"version 15.4.0. The new version adds tools for panchromatic image fusion of images larger than 4 GB with various types of georeferencing, expands methods for highlighting object lists and their attributes in various combinations against maps and images. "Map Editor" tools have been enhanced for overlay operations, topological relationship control between different maps (data sources) has been added, tools in the "Cadastral Tasks" complex have been updated, as well as tools for creating land surveying and technical plans.
In the "Panchromatic Raster Fusion" task, processing of TIFF images that don't contain projection data and spatial image referencing has been added. The use of Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPC) (*.rpb) from the raster dataset enabled precise spatial referencing of source images. The RPC model provided calculation of raster pixel latitude and longitude in the Latitude/Longitude coordinate system on the WGS84 ellipsoid. This task allows improving the spatial resolution of a color raster using a higher resolution panchromatic raster. Both rasters must have the same coordinate system and overlap spatially. For calculating output raster pixel brightness, one of three methods is used: channel averaging, IHS (Intensity-Hue-Saturation) transformation, or Brovey Transform (BT).
In the "Object Lists" task, a mode for simultaneous display of thematic layer and object list labeling has been added. This mode allows simultaneously highlighting objects thematically and labeling them according to selected semantics. "Copy object view to buffer" and "Paste object view from buffer" modes have been added. Object view copying is performed for all localizations or for a single one. To do this, right-click on the object view and select "Copy object view to buffer". The graphic description of an object can also be copied in the "Object Selection" dialog.
In the "Map Editor" task, under "Measurements and Control - Length, Distance" mode, display of distances from the initial point at each contour point has been added. The "Create polygon by surrounding contour boundaries" mode has been improved. If before starting to draw the contour line, you press "Ctrl" and left mouse button over an area or closed linear object, the contour for which the specified point will be internal will be selected as the base object. If the specified point is inside several contours, the intersection of all such contours will be constructed. Contours for which the selected point will be external will cut intersection areas from the base object to obtain a contour around the point along adjacent contour boundaries.
Vector map control has been improved. When the "Topological control for all maps" checkbox is enabled, objects from all maps sharing a common classifier are processed together. Topological control between maps is available if all document maps share a common classifier and are not limited by frames. Object topology control performs the following checks and corrections: "Object misalignment", "Inclusion of objects within others", "Intersection of objects with others", "Presence of node points in objects", "Control of matching contour segments", "Coordination of water level marks and hydrographic objects".
During misalignment control, processing rules have been refined, which depend on filter settings: Processed objects - misalignment control must contain types of editable objects; Auxiliary objects - must contain types of reference objects. If point objects are reference objects while linear or areal objects are editable, point objects maintain their position. A point with coordinates of the reference point object is inserted into the contour of the linear or areal object. If point objects are editable and linear or areal objects are reference objects, when performing control in "Editing" mode, a virtual point nearest to the editable point is inserted into their contour. The virtual point coordinates belong to a point lying on the contour segment. Point object coordinates are aligned with the virtual point. If processed and auxiliary objects are linear or areal objects, when processing a pair of objects, the editable object is first aligned with the reference object, then the reference object with the editable one.
In the main menu "Tasks - Coordinate Systems", items "Standard Raster Transformation" and "Standard Matrix Transformation" have been added to the "Standard Map Transformation" section. Selecting a menu item opens a dialog for transforming a map, image, elevation matrix, or quality matrix from the source coordinate system to the specified one. Output system parameters can be set by EPSG code, read from the coordinate system list in XML, or from selected data files according to their format.
The "Import data from MIF/MID format" task has been improved. The capability to configure correspondence between MID file attributes listed in the table and classifier object codes has been expanded. In addition to the used numeric code, character key, and object name, a mode for configuration by object character code has been implemented. When a field value from the MID file matches the classifier object value, the record will be assigned the corresponding object type for display on the map.
The "Map Legend" task has been improved. Layer composition, classes, and classifier objects for the map list can now be updated using Shift+F11 or Ctrl+F5 (when clearing data cache). The task is designed to manage vector maps, images, and matrices included in the open document.
In the "Cadastral Tasks" complex, the "Cadastral Work Database" mode has been enhanced, with expanded database table structure to store new information entered in "Land Plot Location Scheme on CTT" and "Registry Error Correction" modes. The "Document Data Editing" dialog now includes a "Coordinate System Code" field. The "Geopoints" dialog has added a "Zone Number" field. Automatic database file creation has been implemented when absent at the specified path. In "Land Plot Location Scheme on CTT" mode, interaction with the cadastral work database has been implemented for storing and retrieving document title page information. Multiple data entry is supported in the "Cadastral Numbers of Source Objects" position. In "Registry Error Correction" mode, interaction with the cadastral work database has been implemented for storing and retrieving general information, source data, and attachment files. XML file generation is supported according to ReportRegistryError_v01 and RegistryErrorReport schemas. DOCX format text report generation is implemented using the cadastral work database when filling the title page and graphic files.
In the "Land Survey Plan" dialog, tables with graphic files have been supplemented with a "Scale" column. When selecting graphic files, support for *.jpg, *.tif, *.emf, *.png file extensions has been added. When searching for characteristic points of the processed land plot, point object search is now limited to the "Land Survey Plan" layer. When inserting PDF graphic files into reports, the system searches for a JPG file with the same name. If found, the JPG file is inserted; otherwise, PDF is converted to EMF before insertion. If no graphic files are added or "Display legend on each page" is checked, the "Legend and Signs for Graphic Part Design" section is not added to the report. In the "Map(Plan) of Land Management Object" dialog, graphic file tables now include a "Scale" column. The "Territory Map-Plan" dialog now supports XML document generation with schema selection: MapPlanTerritory_v01.xsd or MapPlanTerritory_v02.xsd.
In the "Technical Plan" dialog, the order of entering and using customer address information for individual customers has been corrected. If no customer document is specified, the program uses the customer's address for XML document insertion. Customer address information is stored in the cadastral work database. In the "Search by Cadastral Number or Address" dialog, automatic determination of information type (address or cadastral number) is performed.
The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
The video tutorial demonstrates different types of data loading. The reviewed data can be imported into a new map or added to an existing one. During data import, the graphical representation of objects is preserved. In this case, map objects receive a zero classification code and graphical description corresponding to ACAD primitives, such as color and line type (where possible).
Additionally, the possibility of loading according to the map resource classifier with object recoding is considered. This allows creating a settings table for matching map classifier keys and DXF layers. To fill the table, it is necessary to match classifier object keys with DXF layers. This data is used for recoding objects according to the map classifier.
You can access the training materials in the "Video Tutorials" section.
KB "Panorama" has developed GIS Server version 11.2.2 for Astra Linux SE, RED OS, Ubuntu 18.04, CentOS 8, and MS Windows operating systems. The new version expands the list of user restrictions for data management from GIS Server. For data accessed from GIS Server, restrictions can be set on copying (export to other formats, transfer of objects to other maps), printing, viewing coordinate system parameters, coordinate editing, storing copies of edited objects, accessing cache on the client without GIS Server registration, editing the digital RSC classifier, and others. Restrictions are set by the program administrator through the web interface and are saved in GIS Server settings. The prohibition on coordinate editing gives users rights to change only attributive data of map objects (semantics) and refine graphic parameters without changing coordinates or coordinate system parameters in the map passport (metadata).
GIS Server provides remote multi-user access to vector maps, remote sensing data, and spatial databases for desktop products and web services. Storing data on the server ensures protection against illegal viewing, copying, modification, and printing.
The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Kingdom of Cambodia, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".