Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2025
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
KB "Panorama" has developed the automatic recognition and vectorization service
The combined use of "Panorama Photo" and "Panorama Vision" software products maximizes automation in generating ready-to-use geodata. This includes orthophotomaps, elevation matrices, and vector maps created from UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) data and satellite imagery. Additionally, "Panorama Vision" has improved building contour detection on satellite images with spatial resolution of 0.75 m/pixel and lower. For all image categories, algorithms for separating closely positioned buildings have been enhanced during vector map creation. In agricultural land boundary interpretation, automatic "snapping" of land contours to rectangular shapes has been added. When creating vector maps, agricultural land objects, hydrography, and buildings are formed using the unified classifier map5000m.rscz. For agricultural land objects, the "Arable land" object with code 71324100 is used, for hydrography - "Water body" with code 31120002, and for buildings - "Residential building" with code 44200000.
"Panorama Vision" processes terrain images in RSW/JPG/TIFF/PNG formats and data from open geoportals. The software complex recognizes contours of field plots, hydrographic objects (rivers, ponds, lakes, etc.), buildings, and structures. Processing results are provided to users as vector maps, accessible via WFS protocol. The complex is implemented as services providing remote access to data interpretation. It is hosted on KB "Panorama" servers on the Internet. Access to the complex is available through the
The current version of GIS "Panorama" is available for download in the
KB "Panorama" has developed
Users can specify names for created files using sequential numbers or object references. Features include file compression for disk space saving, setting matrix boundaries by selected object, and excluding elements outside the specified frame. Additionally, the task allows selecting and adjusting matrix frames while evaluating image dimensions and future file size. This mode automatically controls selection correctness, ensuring convenient and accurate data processing.
The contour line generation process occurs within point set boundaries, eliminating extrapolation errors outside the data. Contour line formation is performed in several stages: Delaunay triangulation construction; cross-section creation; contour line tracking along sections and subsequent smoothing. The result is a custom map containing the generated contour lines.
During operation, the following parameters must be specified: editable map name; characteristic to be filled; source map; list of reference objects and semantic characteristic to be copied. If the characteristic has a classifier type, decoding mode can be enabled to replace numerical codes with text values. For example, code 50 in the "Subject of RF" semantics will be converted to "Moscow Region". After completion, these settings are saved in an INI file, simplifying tool reuse.
In semantics transfer mode, characteristics from incoming objects are copied to polygons considering map classifier compatibility. Users can manually specify required characteristic codes and select value writing operations.
Task execution includes filters by layers, objects, and localization, with the ability to consider object inclusion coefficients in polygons. This enables precise value distribution, proportional to the area or length of intersecting objects. Additionally, a classifier editing tool is available for configuring characteristic repeatability. The task interface includes convenient tools for clearing and editing data in the semantics table.
GIS "Panorama" is a universal domestic geographic information system. The program is designed for accumulation, storage, automated processing, and display of data, calculation results, and forecasts with geospatial reference. GIS "Panorama" contains tools for displaying and processing vector, raster, and matrix maps. The application provides users with tools for solving specialized tasks of modeling special object movement against 3D models, forecasting emergency consequences at hazardous facilities, monitoring aircraft movement, conducting geodetic and topographic work, processing data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing displayed spatial data to various output devices, and many others.
The new version of the program is available for download in the
The KB "Panorama" has developed version 1.10 of
The template panel contains pre-prepared sets of commonly used map symbols or their combinations for quickly adding objects to the map. Templates can include information about the object type, pre-configured attributes, and label texts.
The template panel can feature multiple rows that can be switched on the device screen. Each row is represented as buttons, with each button containing up to 12 objects with visual representation. If an object is not assigned, a crossed-out icon is displayed. Using the template panel, users can quickly add information along a route, during action planning, or for sharing information with other devices when connected to a
Template preparation can be performed in
GIS "Panorama Mobile" allows users to open and edit primary digital map formats of GIS "Panorama" and access popular geoportals on mobile devices running the Aurora OS. It processes information from an integrated GPS/GLONASS receiver. Users can pre-prepare the necessary set of spatial data using one of the desktop products (GIS "Panorama",
The program is developed using the
Aurora OS is a Russian mobile operating system developed by "Open Mobile Platform". The operating system is designed to build a trusted mobile infrastructure and protect sensitive information in government organizations, large and medium-sized commercial enterprises. It ensures technological sovereignty by providing a secure mobile environment and complies with all regulatory requirements for national security and information protection. Aurora OS enables centralized management of mobile device fleets and mobile software via Aurora Center. The current version of Aurora OS has been certified by Russia's Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC) and fully meets Type "A" operating system requirements with Class 4 protection and Level 4 trust.
The new version of the program is available for download in the
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m).
Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".