Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2025
"Panorama Photo" is designed to obtain digital terrain information from aerial photography materials. The primary product of the processing is a point cloud, which serves as the basis for creating a height matrix and an orthophoto map. The processing process is fully automated, except for an optional stage of measuring control points in the images.
The orthophoto maps obtained in "Panorama Photo" can be used to create and update vector maps using the automatic recognition and vectorization system "Panorama Vision". This system is based on artificial intelligence that utilizes trained neural networks. "Panorama Vision" allows for the recognition of contours of field areas, hydrological objects (rivers, ponds, lakes, and others), buildings, and structures. The client module of the system is invoked as an application task in the professional GIS "Panorama". It generates data processing requests to the server part of the system located on the technical resources of the KB "Panorama". As a result of the processing, a vector map is created with the contours of recognized objects, such as building outlines.
All processing results obtained in "Panorama Photo" and "Panorama Vision" (matrices, point clouds, orthophoto maps, vector maps) can subsequently be used in various software products from the KB "Panorama" for two-dimensional and three-dimensional (volumetric) visualization of terrain.
For organized storage and utilization of data, a "Database of Digital Maps and Remote Sensing Data" is employed. This complex serves as the foundation for building spatial data infrastructure at federal, regional, and municipal levels, as well as in corporate information systems. It is used for maintaining a cloud storage of spatial data sets, collecting and storing metadata, selecting and issuing spatial data upon request, preparing reports, forming and publishing geo-coverages, and displaying the status of the database in the form of map diagrams. It ensures remote placement of spatial data sets in file storage, version control of stored sets, updating map diagrams of data availability, and automated collection and formation of metadata.
The new version of the program is available for download on the
Specialists from the KB "Panorama" have developed a video lesson on creating a series of objects in the
A series of objects consists of several objects with the same code, localization characteristics, and semantic attributes. This type of object is intended to display classifier objects in cases where the object needs to change its appearance based on the values of attribute data. The formation of a series is carried out using the
The video lesson demonstrates the creation of a series of objects based on a semantic characteristic consisting of a list of values. Additionally, it shows the possibility of making changes to the semantics not only for all objects but also for each object in the series. For example, for one or several objects, semantics can be designated as mandatory, while for others, it can be optional. This condition is fulfilled in the mode for editing a single object. The use of series of objects on the map allows changing the appearance of an object through the
Examples of created series of objects can be viewed on the maps of Noginsk and Podolsk, which are included in the GIS "Panorama" installation as part of sample data.
You can find the training materials in the "Video Lessons" section.
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page
KB "Panorama" has received a certificate of compliance for the software product
The RSDC is designed to create a cloud storage for spatial data, automate the generation and updating of geo-coverages, and provide authorized access. The complex ensures the collection, storage, search, and delivery of spatial data in exchange formats, as well as the display of the database status in the form of schematic maps. Schematic maps are maintained for each type of stored data: vector maps, remote sensing data, elevation matrices and terrain models, analog maps and images, geodetic points, geodetic analog materials, and regulatory documents. It provides for remote placement of sets of spatial data in a file storage system, version control of stored sets, updating of data availability schematic maps, and automated collection and generation of metadata.
The "Panorama" design bureau has developed
An offline mode for working with geoportals has been implemented. When a user interacts with geoportals, all sections of opened data (tiles) are automatically saved in a local cache and can be used without an internet connection. In the absence of a connection or if the connection quality is poor, the application automatically switches to work only with the tile cache. A button for explicitly enabling/disabling offline mode is available on the main screen. When activated, a notification is displayed to the user indicating the current mode: "Offline" or "Online". The geoportal cache is stored in the application directory, allowing loaded data to be retained after restarting the device.
Tools for calculating length and area have been added. The user can select the desired area or route on the map, and the application will automatically calculate the area or length. Managing points within the area is simple: they can be moved or deleted with a second tap. To start a new calculation, simply press the reset button and select a new area or line. There is also a method for measuring distances to objects and between objects on the map. The user just needs to select the appropriate tool and indicate the object — the application will display the distance to it using a dashed line and a special marker.
Support for the GeoTIFF exchange format has been added for working with raster images and data matrices. The GeoTIFF format allows spatial data and geographic referencing to be saved directly within the image file. Support for the GeoTIFF format facilitates convenient integration with a wide range of geospatial applications.
GIS "Panorama Mobile" allows users to open and edit the main digital map formats of
The program is developed based on the
The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.