Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2024
The KB "Panorama" has developed
The task
The task
The synchronization of the installed font in the Windows system and the status information line at the bottom of the program has been refined. This improves text readability for high-resolution devices. In the "About" dialog, a notification about the release of a new program version has been added to the "version" field. This dialog is accessed from the main menu under "Help - About".
In the
The mode
The mode
The new version of the program is available for download in the
The KB "Panorama" has developed
The "Automatic Label Placement" task has been introduced, designed to create labels for objects based on their semantic characteristics. Users can customize label parameters such as target map, scale, object types, and localization settings. These settings can be saved in a parameter file for future processing of map objects that have previously undergone processing.
The "Map Legend" task provides information about the document's composition: maps, matrices, rasters, geoportals, and other elements. Users can control the visibility of data by changing the order of layers through drag-and-drop in the list. Data elements are accompanied by icons, and their names can be displayed in full or abbreviated form. To save sets of selected objects on the map, users can activate the "Object Lists" mode. These sets can be formed using filters or manually and encompass all maps in the document. Object lists are saved in a special file with the OBX extension, named after the main document. These lists can be used for various operations with groups of objects, such as selection, merging, intersection, searching, and labeling.
A "Multiple Object Copying" mode has been added to the map editor, allowing users to create copies of an object or group of objects in a specified direction, with a defined interval and quantity. Users can specify the direction of replication along coordinate axes or vectors by providing the necessary parameters. After setting the values, outlines of all copies are displayed on the map, which can then be confirmed and saved. Replication parameters are available for modification through the context menu.
In the "Map Passport", "Raster Projection Transformation", and "Raster Projection Parameters" tasks, the capabilities for configuring the coordinate system and map projection have been expanded. In the "Map Passport" task, users can now save their settings to an XML file. In all three tasks, users can load previously saved settings from an XML file included in the installation that contains the most commonly used configurations. Additionally, users can prepare their own XML files describing necessary projections and coordinate systems to be processed in the dialogs.
A centralized classifier update tool has been added for client workstations when updates occur on the
When there is a difference in the extension on the client, the classifier type is automatically replaced with the type hosted on the server. To reduce network load, updates may occur with a slight delay.
Support for
GIS "Panorama" is a versatile domestic geographic information system. The program is designed for the accumulation, storage, automated processing, and display of data, calculation results, and forecasts that have geospatial references. GIS "Panorama" includes tools for displaying and processing vector, raster, and matrix maps. The application provides users with tools for solving specialized tasks such as modeling the movement of special objects against a 3D model background, predicting the consequences of emergencies at hazardous sites, monitoring aircraft movements, conducting geodetic and topographic work, processing data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing displayed spatial data on various output devices, and many others.
The new version of the program is available for download in the
In the KB "Panorama", [URL=
To support corporate systems and simplify the user authentication process, authorization through KeyCloak has been implemented. KeyCloak is a secure, cross-platform solution for centralized application and service authorization, providing single sign-on for users. All improvements aim to enhance the usability of the system and simplify its integration into corporate processes.
The capabilities for importing the appearance of objects while saving information in GML/JSON have been expanded. Information output is based on international OGC standards and CSS styles, making data exchange processes and their further use in other systems even more visual and convenient.
GIS WebService SE supports all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS, WPS) for transmitting and displaying spatial data. The program includes the capability to provide tiles in any user-defined or local coordinate system. The application is implemented on Windows and Linux platforms and is compatible with web servers Apache, IIS, and nginx.
The new version of the program and documentation are available on the website in the [URL=
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page
Specialists from KB "Panorama" have prepared a new version of the digital classifier for creating territorial planning schemes, terrplan.v8.rscz. The digital classifier meets the requirements of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Order No. 504 dated August 9, 2024.
Based on the order's requirements, changes have been made to 34 layers: "Education and Science Facilities", "Healthcare Facilities", "Street and Road Network of Urban Settlements", "Gas Distribution Pipelines", "Electric Substations", "Power Lines", "Water Supply Networks", "Areas at Risk of Emergencies", "Facilities of the Unified State System for Prevention and Response to Emergencies", "Forests", and others.
The classifier has added 72 objects, updated the appearance of conditional symbols, and revised the color palette. Lists of 28 classified attribute values have been supplemented: key 683 DATEPOS "Year of Construction", key 684 PRALARM "Building Emergency Indicator", key 685 PRPROS "Design Capacity (cubic meters per year)", key 665 UCHKO "Number of Students in Campus Educational Buildings", and others. Changes have been made to the conditional and mandatory attribute characteristics of objects. Object values have been modified. Objects from series 602010107, 602010108, 602010109, 602010110, 602010111, 602010112, 602010403, and 602010408 have been removed.
The digital classifier is included in the