Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2025
Specialists from KB "Panorama" have successfully completed testing that confirms the compatibility and proper functioning of the GIS Server SE in the RED OS environment.
The GIS Server SE is a program that provides remote access to vector maps, remote sensing data, and spatial databases for users of
RED OS is a Russian operating system from the Linux family for servers and workstations, providing a universal environment for using application software. The operating system is included in the registry of Russian software and is certified by the FSTEC of Russia. Legal entities are granted the right to use RED OS on a paid basis, while individuals can access the operating system without purchasing a license. The OS developer, "RED SOFT", creates comprehensive projects in the field of data storage and management based on its own portfolio of software products.
The current version of GIS Server SE for RED OS is available for download in the
From August 26 to 28, 2024, the international oil and gas chemical exhibition
At the conference, representatives from KB "Panorama" will present a report on the topic "Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Creation of Spatial Objects". During the event, specialists will share their experience in using neural networks in geoinformation systems.
The international exhibition will bring together displays from leading experts in the oil and gas industry of Russia and Central Asia. "TATOILEXPO" serves as an effective platform for exchanging experiences and discussing current challenges in the development of geodesy and geoinformation systems. KB "Panorama" invites everyone interested to attend the conference and participate in discussions on relevant issues. Detailed information about the upcoming event is available on the
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (
Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page
In the "Panorama" KB, the
The "Input area minimum altitude (AMA, MORA)" dialog is intended for filling out and adjusting information in the Complex database about minimum heights using input fields: name, coordinates of the point in the zone, cell size, minimum safe height, artificial obstacle (height mark), and others.
The "Output area minimum altitude (AMA, MORA)" dialog provides for the plotting on the aeronautical chart of objects such as "AMA area signature (meters)" or "AMA area signature (feet)", "Obstacle (illuminated)" or "Obstacle (unlit)", "Altitude mark" depending on the information filled in the database. When forming the sign for the AMA (MORA) area, two sizes of numbers are used: the larger size represents units corresponding to thousands of meters (feet), while the smaller size represents units corresponding to tens of meters (hundreds of feet, if feet are used on the chart to indicate heights).
The Document Preparation Complex for Aeronautical Information is a set of tools for maintaining a database of aeronautical data, modeling and analyzing the aeronautical situation, generating aeronautical charts, and exchanging data with other information systems through export and import in the ARINC 424-19 exchange format and export in the AIXM 5.1 format. The "Flight Scheme Design" task is intended for designing departure, approach, and landing routes, as well as analyzing flight safety on these routes. The "Compliance Assessment of Aerodromes with Federal Aviation Regulations" task is designed for analyzing the aerodrome and its surrounding area to determine their suitability for the operation and flight of aircraft in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations.
The new version of the program, examples of aeronautical information documents,
In KB "Panorama",
The program has added functionality for creating lists of map objects. Object lists are formed for selected objects, providing flexible options for including various combinations of objects using all available search and selection filter options provided by the system. The settings for object lists for the current map can be saved in an OBL format file and restored in subsequent sessions as needed. The object list creation dialog interface allows for adding new lists, modifying existing lists, and deleting them. Object lists are used for automated processing of groups of objects when performing intersections and unions, constructing zones around the contours of listed objects with specified parameters, and for conducting searches.
The ability to dynamically label objects in lists has been implemented. This new method allows labels to be placed over the map considering the current display composition and visibility of objects. Dynamic labeling is performed according to the dimensions of the client area of the window. To improve readability during map scaling, such labels are always drawn while maintaining the font height chosen by the user. When labeling a polygonal object, the label is placed within the visible part of the polygon being labeled. When moving the map image, the label automatically shifts so that its text remains entirely within the client area of the window. To enable dynamic labeling, it is necessary to specify the semantic code for the selected object list (types of objects), which will serve as the label text. After selecting object lists and displayed semantics, the option "Dynamically label objects" must be enabled. To change the color of list labels, simply select a color in the list tree. Editing additional label parameters is performed in "Assign Custom Style" mode. When changing the list formatting color, label parameters, or semantic code, label updates are applied to the map. Labeling and thematic layer display parameters are saved and restored upon application startup. Dynamic labels are always applied over all open maps, taking into account the visibility of the labeled objects.
The task "Map Editor" has been refined. The "Linear Coordinate System" toolbar has added new modes: "Route Network Construction" and "Display Linear Measurement Value on Route". Route network construction involves calibrating routes based on a set of calibration points. The calibration mode can be executed for a selected route, a group of highlighted routes, or all routes present on the map. The affiliation of a calibration point to a route is determined by matching the value of the semantics "Route Identifier". The calibrated linear measurement values are recorded in the 4th coordinate (M) of each route point. During the calibration process, the correctness of the calibration points is monitored, and incorrect data is filtered out. The display of linear measurement values on the route is performed for pre-calibrated routes. After activating the mode and selecting a route object on the map, when moving the mouse pointer, the cursor connects to the selected route at the shortest distance, and the linear measurement value is displayed at the nearest point on the route to the cursor.
The algorithm for the "Stake Placement" mode within the "Linear Coordinate System" group has been modified. Stake (kilometer mark) construction can be performed for a selected route, a group of highlighted routes, or all routes present on the map. Each created kilometer mark is assigned an attribute description that includes the identifier and name of the route, the linear measurement value of the mark, and the interval at which this point was constructed. Depending on the current map scale, kilometer marks constructed with different intervals are displayed at various scales.
A task has been added to transition from geodetic heights on the global ellipsoid WGS-84 to heights on the geoid (normal heights). This task allows for converting matrices loaded from SRTM format (radar topographic survey) and other matrices in the WGS-84 geodetic height system to normal heights (mean sea level), as well as performing the reverse transformation of matrices from normal heights back to WGS-84 geodetic heights. Geoid models EGM2008 (Earth Gravitational Model) in WGS-84 coordinate system are used for height conversion. Geoid models are presented as matrices in MTW format with different cell sizes: at 1-minute and 2.5-minute intervals. Bilinear or bicubic interpolation is used to obtain height corrections from the geoid model, based on user selection.
The GIS "Panorama" is a versatile domestic geographic information system. The program is designed for accumulating, storing, automated processing, and displaying data, calculation results, and forecasts with geospatial references. GIS "Panorama" contains tools for displaying and processing vector, raster, and matrix maps. The application provides users with tools for solving specialized tasks such as modeling the movement of special objects against a 3D model background, predicting consequences of emergencies at hazardous facilities, monitoring aircraft movements, conducting geodetic and topographic works, processing data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing displayed spatial data on various output devices, and many others.
The new version of the program is available for download in the