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In KB "Panorama", the
Various objects can be grouped into categories. Each category of objects can have its own drawing style assigned. An example category could be all pipelines with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour and a length of less than 10 km. Sending an SLD style in the object creation request allows creating graphic objects on the map whose symbolic representation is independent of the map's classifier.
The new version includes the ability to generate a map legend considering semantic filters, object types, and localizations, as well as taking into account an area defined by an arbitrary object or drawing dimensions. The program supports data export and import in formats such as DXF, SHP, KML, and MIF/MID.
GIS WebService SE complies with all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS, WPS) for transmitting and displaying spatial data. The program offers tile issuance based on any user or local coordinate system. The application is developed for Windows and Linux platforms and is compatible with web servers such as Apache, IIS, and nginx.
The new version of the program and documentation can be found on the website under the
KB "Panorama" has received certificates of compliance for the software products GIS Operator SE (No. 6971 dated May 24, 2024) and GIS WebService SE (No. 6972 dated May 24, 2024), operating under the 64-bit Astra Linux Special Edition operating system versions 1.6 and 1.7. The programs are certified in the information security certification system of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for compliance with the requirements of the guidance document of the State Technical Commission of Russia, including control over the absence of undeclared capabilities and for compliance with real and declared functionality in the documentation.
GIS Operator SE is a versatile domestic geoinformation system for security structures. The program is designed for accumulation, storage, automated processing, and visualization of data, calculation results, and forecasts with geospatial reference. GIS Operator SE includes tools for displaying and processing vector, raster, and matrix maps. The application provides users with tools to solve specialized tasks such as modeling the movement of special objects against a 3D model, forecasting the consequences of emergencies at hazardous facilities, monitoring aircraft movement, conducting geodetic and topographic work, processing data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing spatial data on various output devices, and many others.
GIS WebService SE is designed to process requests on the TCP/IP network. The service allows for serving vector and raster spatial information. It searches for objects based on semantic characteristics, creates and edits vector maps, performs calculations based on the map, constructs surfaces and road graphs, converts object coordinates from one system to another, creates map legends, and fulfills other requests. The service includes the GIS Application Service for creating tile pyramids based on spatial data. It enables transaction operations to create new objects, update or delete existing objects in the service's datasets, serve spatial data in GML format, retrieve metadata, and provide information on terrain relief.
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page
In the KB "Panorama", the
The generation of a textual report is implemented in Office Open XML format as per the form introduced by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 30.07.2009 No. 621 (as amended on 17.05.2016) "On Approval of the Form of Map (Plan) of Land Management Object and Requirements for its Compilation". Two types of XML documents are generated: 1) according to the XML schema interact_entry_boundaries_v02, used for generating XML documents sent to the registration authority by state authorities, local self-government bodies in terms of interdepartmental information exchange regarding boundaries, zones, territories for entry into the Unified State Real Estate Register in electronic document form; 2) according to the XML schema interact_map_plan_v01, used for generating an XML document sent to the registration authority by state authorities, local self-government bodies in terms of interdepartmental information exchange regarding the presentation of the map (plan) of the land management object in electronic document form.
In the
The task
The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
In the KB "Panorama", a
GIS "Panorama" is a versatile domestic geographic information system designed for accumulating, storing, automating processing, and displaying data, calculation results, and forecasts with geospatial referencing. It includes tools for displaying and processing vector, raster, and matrix maps. The application provides users with tools for specialized tasks such as modeling the movement of special objects against a 3D model, predicting emergency consequences at hazardous sites, monitoring aircraft movement, conducting geodetic and topographic work, processing data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing spatial data on various output devices, and more. The new version of the program is available for download in the