Specialists from KB "Panorama" have prepared a video tutorial on creating classes in the "Classifier Editor" task in GIS "Panorama", "Workstation of cadastral engineer", "Workstation of agronomist", and other software products. Classes refer to sublayers, which allow grouping objects by purpose within a layer. Classifying objects within layers enables quick search and highlighting of groups of objects on the map. Additionally, it facilitates the swift selection of an object from the classifier for mapping. To create classes in the classifier editor task, a "Classes" mode has been added to the toolset.
The tutorial demonstrates creating a class in the specified layer. When filling in the fields of a new class, there is control over the entered information with red highlighting. The methods for transferring objects to the selected class are shown. Examples of object classification within layers can be viewed on the maps of Noginsk and Podolsk, which are included in the GIS "Panorama" installation as sample data.
Educational materials can be accessed in the "Video Lessons" section.
Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Djibouti, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
In the KB "Panorama", the GIS "Panorama"version 15.2.4 has been developed. The new version expands the tools of the "Classifier Editor" task for creating a series of objects with automatic changes in symbol appearance based on semantic values. Added support for new geoportals, updated the task of displaying statistical data by countries, supplemented the tools of hydrological tasks, and implemented the requirements of regulatory documents for 2024 in the complex of cadastral tasks.
In the "Classifier Editor" task, the ability to create a series based on selected objects has been added. This allows for faster and more convenient formation of necessary types of object series in the classifier. On the "Objects" tab in the table of classifier objects, users can select objects whose appearance and semantics they want to copy to create a new series. The selected objects should have the same localization but can belong to different layers and classes. To create a series, all selected objects are copied. The external code and keys of the new objects are generated automatically to maintain their originality. The overall semantics of all objects in the series is composed of the original semantics of all copied objects. Then, it is possible to edit the necessary characteristics of the series and objects and save the created series. In this process, all copies of objects that were not used in creating the series will be automatically deleted. If the series is not saved, all copies of selected objects will be removed. The originals of the selected objects remain in the classifier after creating the series. If they are not needed, they must be manually deleted.
In the "Object group of classifier editing" mode, the option to select a "Numerical Formula" type as the semantics of the series has been added. This expands the possibilities of displaying objects on the map in various ways depending on their current characteristics and calculated parameters. This approach is especially relevant for displaying the results of statistical data processing on a map.
On the "Objects" tab, a "Clasifiers editor" mode has been added to the toolbar. It allows for simultaneously editing various properties of a group of selected objects: moving them to another layer or class, giving them a common name, adding, deleting, changing the semantics status, editing visibility scales, digitization direction, sign size change limits, and others. To do this, on the "Objects" tab, select the necessary objects in the classifier object table.
If the object table displays only object symbols, you can select the current object by simultaneously pressing Ctrl+left mouse button. If the object table is presented in a string format, object selection is done by checking the box in the far-left column of the table. Next, choose the "Clasifiers editor" mode. Only the selected objects remain in the object table. In this mode, like without it, properties of the currently selected object are displayed. However, when editing any property, it is edited for all selected objects. If a property is highlighted with a yellow background or labeled "different", it means that it differs among selected objects. Properties that cannot be edited at once for all selected objects are locked from editing. When saving edited properties, they are saved for all selected objects. To exit the editing mode, release the "Editing Selected Objects" button. To reset selected objects or select all currently filtered objects, press the "Reset Selected Objects" button. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional views of objects do not have common editing for selected objects.
The task "Data connection with the geoportal" has been improved. A new geoportal, "Road Fund Control System", has been added. Layers have been included for the geoportal: Roads, Support Network Sections, Road Graph, Airports, Seaports, River Ports, Category by SR 42.1330, Railway Nodes, Border Crossings, Ferry Crossings, Road Normative State, Overloading Sections, Diagnostic Data, Longitudinal Evenness, Road Surface Strength, Road Activity - Five-Year Plan, Warranty Sections, Toll Sections, Toll Payment Points, Road Technical Category, Number of Traffic Lanes (pcs), Axle Load (tons/axle), Maximum Speed (km/h), Capacity, Traffic Intensity, Roadway Width (m), Earthwork Width (m), Surface Type, Road Class, Bridge Structures, Tunnels, Pipes, Weighing and Dimensional Control Point, Accidents, Road Safety Audit, Lighting, Kilometer Markers, Traffic Lights, Bus Stops, Pedestrian Crossings, Road Service Objects, Car Service Stations.
The "Show Statistics" task has been enhanced. This task enables the creation of thematic maps by countries of the World and regions of Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, India, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and other countries based on built-in maps of administrative boundaries of regions. Statistical data should be presented in a table format in CSV. The table can consist of two or more columns, one of which is key and should contain the names of countries, regions of countries, or municipal districts within the selected region. In the dialogue box, the option to select colors for the minimum and maximum values of the characteristic used for building the thematic map has been added. The selected colors are saved in an ini-file that is written to the folder with the statistics file (CSV). The task is launched from the main menu: File - Show Statistics.
Within the "Complex of hydrological tasks", a mode for "Creating flood zone along the fairway" has been developed. This task is designed to determine the flood zone along riverbanks. The input data includes information about the terrain relief, rivers, hydro posts, as well as recorded or forecasted water level rises. The algorithm visualizes the flood zone with depths on the map. Flood depths are calculated first in close proximity to rivers and gradually moving away from the riverbed. This calculation method allows for mapping flood zones for rivers with many bends and branches. This new mode enables processing an entire network of hydrography objects at once using data on water level rises and terrain relief. This tool will be useful for local government bodies to prepare proposals for establishing flood zone boundaries in various territorial management documents.
When importing from KML, there is now an option to create a label from the KML file by recording in the format: Arbitrary label textspan multiple lines. The "Editing passport" task has been improved - a button to select an RSC classifier file from the shared classifier folder has been added. The button is active if paths to the shared classifier folder are configured in the program under Options - Placement of Data.
The task "Cadastral Documents" has been enhanced. A new mode, "Map (Plan) of the Object Land 2024", has been developed to prepare data, generate a textual report, and create electronic XML documents of the map (plan) of land management objects in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents for the year 2024. To access this mode, a cadastral map with land management objects marked on it is used. The digital classifier survey.v6 has been updated for maintaining the cadastral map, incorporating necessary map objects and semantic characteristics that implement the provisions of Article 32 of Federal Law No. 218-FZ of July 13, 2015, "On State Registration of Real Estate". When selecting a map object, the program reads information about the type of land management object and displays only those elements in the dialogue box that correspond to the object type. The values of the semantic characteristics of the object are displayed on the "Object Information" tab. Two types of XML documents are generated: 1) based on the XML schema interact_entry_boundaries_v02, used for creating XML documents sent to the registration authority by state authorities and local self-government bodies for interdepartmental information exchange regarding boundary information for inclusion in the Unified State Real Estate Register in electronic document form; 2) based on the XML schema interact_map_plan_v01, used for creating an XML document sent to the registration authority by state authorities and local self-government bodies for interdepartmental information exchange regarding the presentation of the map (plan) of land management objects in electronic document form.
The "Base of cadastral works" mode has been updated. In the personal information editing block, fields for "TIN" and "PSRNIE" have been added. In the cadastral engineer information group, fields for "OGRN of a legal entity" and "Contact phone of a legal entity" have been included. The tab for information on legal entities (performers and clients), state authorities (clients), and foreign legal entities (clients) now allows for the removal of previously linked representatives.
In the "Technical building plan" mode, the procedure for generating an XML document according to version 7 schema has been updated. When recording information about characteristic points of real estate boundaries, consecutive numbering of points on external contours is used. The point numbering methodology in XML corresponds to the order and rules of numbering in the textual report. Consecutive numbering is used for all types of contours of multi-contour objects, including: forming, existing, and to be removed.
The task "Geodesy Editor" has been enhanced with standardization of dialog appearances such as "Calculate coordinates (direction corner and distance)", "Calculate coordinates (an angular resection(notch))", "Calculate coordinates (linear resection)", "Calculate coordinates (rotary corner and distance)", "Calculate coordinates (linear resection from three stations)", "Calculation of coordinates (method of normals)", and "Calculate coordinates (method of stvors)". The dialog for "To keep the image of the allocated fragments of a map" has been optimized for processing selected fragments with complex geometric metrics.
The task "Export territorial planned data in GML" has been improved. The new option "Control by scheme" allows for additional verification of attribute values, their completeness, and filling sequence in created GML files according to the XSD schema accepted in Order No. 174 of March 26, 2024, by the Ministry of Economic Development. Additional validation helps check GML files before uploading them to the State Information System for Urban Planning and reduces time spent on finding and correcting attribute filling errors. Automatic correction of numerical parameters with fractional parts has been added. If integer value requirements are specified in the schema for certain object types, automatic rounding is performed. For values between 0 and 1, rounding is done to 1 (for example, a population number in thousands: 0.3 will round up to 1).
The new version of the software is available for download in the Download section.
In KB "Panorama," the Imagery Service version 11.3.0 has been developed. The new version features an improved user interface responsible for project preparation and tile generation. A connection dialog and data selection on the GIS Server have been added. The service automatically connects to specified servers and provides a list of available data for tile cutting.
The new version includes a dialog for establishing connections to databases and for forming a dbm layer for tile cutting. The dialogs match data from database tables with objects on the map. Connection to the database is made through a configured dbm file (project) created in the service administrator. The DBM file contains the description of parameters of a digital vector map, which will display the dataset from the database (table, view, or SQL query result). Parameters include: a conditional map name; an RSC classifier file containing a library of conditional symbols; a coordinate system code (standard EPSG code or a custom code from the crslist.xml file); map scale at which conditional symbols are displayed in a unit scale (as specified in the classifier).
The service monitors changes in the database and rebuilds only those tiles where changes have occurred. The Imagery Service allows setting schedules for updates by day of the week and at specified hours. In the new version, a dialog has been added to select geoprotals for tile generation. The list of available geoprotals can be expanded by adding layers from the wmslist_ru.xml settings file.
The program enables tile generation in JPEG, PNG, PNG8, Mbtiles, BIR, and GeoPackage formats according to the international standard OGC WMTS 07-057r7 version 1.0.0, TMS standard, and OGC 12-128r15 GeoPackage version 1.2.1. Tiles generated by the Imagery Service are used by GIS WebServer SE and GIS WebService SE software products to provide high-speed spatial data display over extensive areas with simultaneous access by a large number of users. The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Chad, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".