Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2025
In the KB Panorama, a
The GIS "Panorama Mobile" implements functionality for creating and editing objects on vector maps. To create an object, the user sequentially performs several steps: selects the type of object to be created from the classifier, specifies the metric information of the object on the map, and adds text if the created object is a label. A dialog is developed for selecting the type of object to be created, allowing the user to filter available objects by object localization or by classifier layer. Placing an object on the map is a universal action that allows adding points of the object at any location within the object's contour, moving them, and deleting them. Similarly to creating an object, the functionality for editing the metrics of an object is implemented. To prevent accidental placement or editing of an object, the action is confirmed by pressing a button. In case of a mistaken action, the user can undo the last operation or revert a mistakenly undone action.
In the new version, support for the dark theme of the operating system has been improved. The functionality of the data list has been expanded. Now, the user can control the visibility of individual document layers to obtain the most clear image for working with cartographic information. If the user needs to switch to an open document, they can use the "Go to" option in the context menu of data list elements.
GIS "Panorama Mobile" allows users to open major
The new version of the program is available for download in the
At KB "Panorama", the Environmental monitoring and Analytics version 15.2.1 has been developed for processing and analyzing data obtained from monitoring measurements of the terrain at a network of observation points. The complex is installed in addition to the professional
Monitoring measurements can be carried out at a network of stationary observation points or in the form of field measurement tours. During observation, several indicators can be simultaneously recorded, providing a comprehensive characterization of the observed object. A flexible system of settings allows grouping indicators with reference to the monitoring direction, including pollution of atmospheric air, water bodies, soils, subsurface conditions, biological resources, radiation situation, lands, permafrost, waste management from production and consumption, coal dust content, wildlife objects, surface waters, soils, and others. To assess the state of the observation point network for monitoring indicators, a visualization of the observation network scheme is provided, visually displaying the current status of the point using special symbols against the background of a topographic map.
Formalized monitoring indicators, recorded in numerical values using measurement tools, are used to determine the numerical values of indicators related to the assessment of the territorial development of the observed phenomenon, event, or process. The capabilities of "Panorama Vision" can be utilized for this purpose. For example, to determine the area of flooding resulting from a flood, this product, based on neural networks and artificial intelligence technology, enables the decryption of photos (satellite, aerial, from UAVs) and recognition of the boundaries of the flooded area. "Panorama Vision" is a cloud-based platform solution that allows for quick and efficient object recognition tasks on images in the form of a digital service.
The incoming monitoring indicators are stored with a time reference to the measurement moment, allowing for the reconstruction of the indicator field based on a set of several observation points in the form of grid models - matrices. Prior to constructing monitoring indicator matrices, filtering and noise removal in measurements are performed using mathematical statistical methods. Isolines and homogeneous zones - areas are constructed to evaluate changes in indicators based on matrices.
Matrices, isoline maps, and areas associated with different time points are combined into datasets - temporal data series. Tools for retrospective analysis of monitoring indicators provide simultaneous display of temporal data series of matrices, isoline maps, area maps, and graphs showing changes in indicators at specified observation points. Reports and analytical references can be generated to document the analysis results.
The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
In the KB "Panorama", the
A new item
The ability to connect additional layers of the "Public Cadastral Map" service has been added, including: Cadastre Value of Land Plots, Land Categories, Types of Permitted Land Use, Lands for Construction, Lands for Tourism. When managing territories, accounting for land plots and real estate objects, and planning urban development activities, these thematic layers allow visually assessing urban and rural areas.
An important set of GIS specialist tools for creating infrastructure maps is processing lists of objects. In the new program version, the corresponding dialog has been updated. The ability to cut and split objects belonging to complex lists containing objects from one or several maps opened in one window has been added.
The algorithm for connecting to the urban planning database with multiple open map windows has been changed. A separate instance of the Complex of Urban Planning Tasks is launched for each open window, which connects to the database. In the program, access to the urban planning database is requested only for one active window.
The new version of the program is available for download in the
The video tutorial covers the operation modes of the
A linear coordinate system (LCS) is a system for measuring linear coordinates along the contour of an object from the first point of the object to a specified point. A linear coordinate is a measurement in meters along an axis that passes sequentially through all the contours of a linear object from the first point of the metric of the first contour. The definition of a linear coordinate system is performed relative to established calibration points located along the object's contour. The main purpose of calibration points is to facilitate the transition from flat rectangular coordinates to linear coordinates along the object and vice versa. Calibration points are typically created based on real point objects located along the contour of the linear object.
The educational film demonstrates the application and creation of linear routes, calibration points, linear and point events. It shows the placement and saving of pickets as point symbolic signs, and analyzes the correctness of the values of the linear coordinates of the calibration points on the route.
To access the educational materials, please visit the "Video lessons" section.
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".