Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2025
In the KB "Panorama", the
To thematically highlight (colorize) the list of BIM models on the map, it is necessary to select the
In the new version of the GIS,
The signs "Circular diagram" and "Bar diagram" have been improved. Usually, a legend of
the diagram is drawn to the right of it, containing color samples and labels with values. To exclude drawing the legend, a rule has been introduced: when entering a label height of less than 1 millimeter in the parameters of these signs, drawing the legend is disabled. Examples of such signs are also included in the shape.sitx map: "Simple сircular diagram" and "Simple bar diagram".
A tool for centralized updating of service XML files (coordinate system parameters, quality control parameters, and others) has been incorporated into client workstations for updating or adding these files on the
The task
The new version of the program is available for download in the
In the KB "Panorama", the Complex of Hydrological Tasks version 6.3.5 has been developed for
The mode "Alignment of Hydrography Objects and Elevation Matrices" processes the hydrography objects of a topographic map as a unified hydrographic network. To obtain a hydrologically correct DEM, the following operations are sequentially performed: searching for nodal points of hydrography objects; dividing hydrography objects at network nodes; stitching hydrography objects that do not have matching nodes at junctions of the network; setting heights for boundary points of linear hydrography objects; setting heights for area hydrography objects with constant elevation (lakes); aligning heights of network nodal points of hydrography; calculating heights of linear hydrography objects; calculating heights of area hydrography objects with variable elevation (rivers). In the absence of elevation coordinates for hydrography objects, values from the DEM are used as initial information for modeling.
A hydrologically correct vector model is used to adjust DEM elevation values. Elements of the matrix receive values from hydrography objects. The height from the metric is transferred to each matrix element that coincides with a point on a linear hydrography object. Heights in matrix elements between metric points are calculated using linear interpolation. Heights in matrix elements within objects with constant water level receive elevation from the object. Heights in matrix elements within area hydrography objects with variable water levels are calculated based on heights of nearest DEM elements with weighted averaging using four directions for interpolation. Subsequently, smoothing of the matrix near hydrography objects is conducted. Only matrix elements related to linear objects and boundaries of area objects are used for smoothing. For each matrix element within the smoothing radius, all matrix elements with aligned heights are found, and their weighted arithmetic mean is calculated based on inverse distances between points as weights. The closer a point with corrected height is to a point with smoothed height, the more influence it exerts on it.
A hydrologically correct DEM is a fundamental element for determining morphometric and hydrographic characteristics of rivers and their basins, including modeling of flooding. Modes for analyzing flooding are included in the complex:
The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
In the KB "Panorama", a
Support for reading and writing shared object lists on the server (files *.obx) has been added for searching, performing overlay operations between lists, and preparing reports. The composition of diagnostic messages has been expanded, and the view of monitoring protocols for the GIS Server's operation status has been enhanced. The procedure for loading data into the Database as part of folders has been improved. When loading folders with the same name but different sets of data, a unique name for the set is generated, including the folder name and the main dataset name.
The GIS Server provides remote access to vector maps, remote sensing data, and spatial databases. Hosting data on the server ensures protection against illegal viewing, copying, modification, and printing. The new version of the program is available for download on the
In the KB "Panorama", the software complex "Workstation of agronomist" version 15.2 has been developed. In the new version,
During land management, thematic maps allow for a quick visual assessment of a particular territory. For example, the map of cadastre value of land plots has 5 gradations: up to 3 million rubles, from 3 to 15 million rubles, from 15 to 30 million rubles, from 30 to 100 million rubles, and over 100 million rubles. Land category map - 8: not established, agricultural lands, forest fund, water fund, specially protected areas, settlement lands, industrial lands, reserved lands. The map of types of permitted land use contains over 220 gradations.
An important set of tools for a GIS specialist in creating infrastructure maps for agriculture is processing
To ensure consistency of symbol libraries on client machines,
For more flexible data preparation for printing, in the
The new version of the program is available for download in the