Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2025
Specialists of KB "Panorama" have improved topographical fonts designed to prepare for the publication of topographic and geographical maps of various scales. In the new version, changes have been made to the font D231.ttf (Ancient upright italic) - the display of the number "7" has been improved, the symbol "- (dash)" is set relative to a lowercase letter. There are added new fonts Ph342.ttf - Chopped slanted thick and H331.ttf - New slanted. All fonts are updated to version 3.1. When making changes, the general rules for constructing fonts were observed: maintaining the accepted width of letters, maintaining the height of characters, the rule of gaps between letters, maintaining the pattern of curves, the order of drawing letters, and others.
New fonts Ph342 and H331 have been added into the classifier of digital topographic maps 1m05gm.rscz and assigned to 18 objects with the Titles type, which are used in the geographical names of rural-type settlements. Font H331 has been added into the classifier of digital survey maps 1mogk13g.rsc and assigned to the object of Geographic labels.
The installation kit "Topographic fonts" is intended for installing a set of fonts into the MS Windows operating system (XP and higher). This set is used in the
A new version of the installation kit with topographic fonts is available for download in the Download section. Updated classifiers are available in the Classifiers section.
In KB "Panorama" the Complex of hydrological tasks version 6.3.5 has been developed for the GIS "Panorama" 15. The complex is intended for modelling of hydrological conditions, construction of zones of flooding and drainage. In the new version of the complex the application
For calculation of parameters of a breakthrough wave and characteristics of flooding of the area, initial data is established, which include the data on a reservoir, hydraulic system and river bed in tail-water of a hydraulic structure. Calculations are based on the graphic of water flow from the reservoir. In this case, the river below the reservoir dam is divided along its length into calculated sections, which are limited by calculated targets.
Calculations are performed iteratively along the targets with distance from the dam. To complete the task, a vector map of the area and a matrix of heights of a relief are used. The vector model for calculations includes the dam, river fairway and targets. There can be any number of targets, depending on the length downstream of the river it is necessary to predict the flooding of the area. The choice of the location of the targets should be carried out taking into account the shape of the channel and preferably with uniform intervals between adjacent targets.
Results of modelling are: graphics of the breakthrough wave propagation; the matrix of qualities characterising the flooding of the area, and a vector map with borders of the maximum zone of catastrophic flooding.
Graphics of the breakthrough wave movement are constructed on the Z-L-T plane, where L is the distance from the hydrosystem (abscissa axis), Z is the level mark (left ordinate axis), and T is the time since the destruction (right ordinate axis). The basis of the graphic is the longitudinal profile of the river along its fairway, built in the Z-L plane, on which the maximum water level at the calculated targets during the movement of the breakthrough wave is put. In the L-T plane, graphics of the movement of the front, crest and tail are constructed. Graphs of the movement of a breakthrough wave make it possible to determine the parameters of a breakthrough wave at any intermediate river section and are the initial information for constructing a flood matrix. To model the flood zone, a new algorithm has been developed that uses the matrix of heights of a relief, the river fairway and numerical values of the parameters of the breakthrough wave at arbitrary points of the fairway. Based on the resulting matrix of qualities, a vector object "Zone of maximum flooding" is constructed, which characterizes the zone of catastrophic flooding of the area.
The new version of the program is available for download in the
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on creating a multiscale map using the
Multiscale linear and vulgar objects can have several the additional contours created in procedure "Sort of map objects" when generalizing multiscale objects. This speeds up the display of complex objects and makes the terrain more visual.
Additional contours are formed for smaller scales of display - 1/4 1/16, 1/64 from base scale of a map and are recorded into the object metrics together with the basic contour. When compressing the map, those contours of objects that are closer to the current display scale will automatically be displayed. This speeds up the display of complex objects and makes the terrain more understandable. During any editing of the map and when performing calculations based on the object's metrics, the basic contour of the multiscale object is processed. Multiscale objects are one of the elements of a multiscale map that changes its appearance when the display scale is changed.
You can view the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.
In KB "Panorama" the
To manage the development of the territory of a municipality and the development of land plots, it is necessary to comprehensively use information about territorial zoning, land plots and real estate objects. The procedure for an integrated approach is established by the rules of land use and development, which are regulated by the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and include: amap of territorial zoning, urban planning regulations and the procedure for applying the rules. Updated
The improved mode
The algorithm for establishing spatial and logical connections between land plots and objects on the territorial zoning map has been updated. The digital classifier urban.v2.rsc has been updated, which must be used to maintain a territorial zoning map. To connect areas and territorial zones, the spatial location of the area within the zone and the semantics "Index of territorial zone" with the ZoneIndex key are used.
In the new version of the "Workstation of urban-planner" the list of reports has been expanded. The report "Types of permitted use of a territorial zone" contains a list of main, auxiliary and conditionally permitted types of use for a specific territorial zone. The report "Print of urban-planning regulations" includes all types of permitted use with established parameters for the development of a territorial zone. To fill in the parameters of the development of a territorial zone, the functions "Add" and "Add with copying" have been added.
The new version of the program is available for download in the