Specialists from KB "Panorama" have updated the application development kit for GIS "Panorama" 15. In the new version the source texts of the task "Navigator 3D" from the applications of GIS "Panorama" have been added. "Navigator 3D" is used for dynamic construction, display and viewing of three-dimensional terrain models (three-dimensional maps) based on various types of data used in the GIS "Panorama", and also contains tools for working with a three-dimensional map and functions for importing models.
The source texts of the task consist of the texts of two libraries projects: library of the map3dex task core (engine) and library of the map3d window interface. On the basis of given texts it is possible to develop your own task in different versions. For example, to expand the functionality of an existing interface in the map3d library, to build your own task for working with a three-dimensional map using the API functions of the map3dex library, or to change and modify the contents of the core.
To build a three-dimensional terrain model, the following can be used: a vector map, a matrix of heights, a triangulation relief model (TIN model), a map classifier, a library of three-dimensional images of objects, the digital photographs of the terrain and digital photographs of terrain objects. The composition of the source data can be different and depends on what type of model needs to be obtained.
To build a three-dimensional model taking into account the objects of a vector two-dimensional map, a library of three-dimensional images of various types of these objects is used, which is added into the classifier of any map. API functions make it possible to programmatically form parameters for typified three-dimensional models of user objects. You can create your own views in the library of 3D images in the "Classifier Editor" task.
The task has wide functionality for customizing the display of a three-dimensional model: display with or without relief, in full or skeleton form, with real lighting depending on the selected date, time and location, or with a spotlight, with map objects, and others. The possibilities for controlling the three-dimensional map are also different - you can move the model using the keyboard or mouse, change the speed of movement and turn, observation mode, display projection of the model and other actions.
Working with a three-dimensional map provides: taking measurements; creating and editing 3D map objects; creating and editing a three-dimensional view of map classifier objects; control of the display composition of superficial and three-dimensional objects; creating and playing scenarios of moving objects; creating trajectories of camera movement along the model and playing back camera movement along the model; placing virtual video cameras and displaying images from them in additional video camera windows; saving terrain model images from the main window and video camera windows in JPG, PNG, BMP and AVI formats; saving a three-dimensional map into a database in the form of a pyramid of three-dimensional tiles in the DB3D format.
Import of third-party 3D models allows you to load models in DAE, OBJ, TLS, OC3, MTD formats into the database of 3D models of the DB3D format and display them on a 3D map. A more complete description of the "3D Navigator" task is presented in the documentation.
The new version of the kit is available for download on the Download page.
In the application development kit for GIS "Panorama" 15 the source texts of the task of building three-dimensional models have been published1GIS "Panorama"
Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson of formation of a sign, visible on a given scale, using the "Classifier Editor" in the GIS "Panorama", "Workstation of cadastral engineer", "Workstation of of agronomist" and other software products of KB "Panorama". To display multiscale signs, a programmable sign from the shape.iml library is used. A sign is formed using a combination of primitives and the assignment of borders of sign display. By means of primitives it is possible to form any type of a sign: linear, polygon, point.
Programmable signs allow you to create a multiscale map. Multiscale maps are dynamic maps that display data differently at different scale ranges. They differ from static maps, which are designed to be viewed and displayed at one scale. You can zoom in and zoom out the map, but the multiscale maps are created in a way that ensures visual integrity and effectively communicates information to the user. Multiscale maps are the most efficient way to display data virtually continuously in various scales.
You can view the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.
In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama"version 15.1.3 has been developed. In the new version the tools of creating and updating digital topographical and special maps have been updated, the mechanism of autosave of backup copies of maps has been added when editing, tools for control of quality and correction of vector maps, execution of topological requests have been supplemented. A model of a breakthrough wave during the destruction of a hydraulic structure has been developed, 3D modeling tools have been updated, and tools for preparing cadastral documents, land-survey and technical plans have been improved.
The "Map Editor" task has been improved. In the "Create a copy of object" and "Moving object" modes, the binding of objects has been improved when moving with the binding of the selected object node to the target node of an arbitrary map object ("K" mode) or to a regular grid node ("N" mode). The new implementation of the "N" mode allows you to snap objects to grid nodes that were previously unbound to grid nodes. To visually control the binding of an object to grid nodes, in the main menu you must select: View - Grid view. The ability to save a list of objects selected by filter has been added into the "View map control log" dialog. The received list is available for use in dialogs "Lists of objects" and "Map Legend" ("General Data List" tab). Lists of objects are saved with indicating the date and time. Tools for working with the list allow you to highlight objects on the map, select and copy them onto a separate map, as well as perform a sequential search for list objects on the map and process them in groups.
The "Splitting objects by lists" mode has been added to the "Cut and combine" group of modes. The mode is intended for cutting area objects into parts along the contours of reference objects. Areal, linear closed and open objects can be used as reference objects. When cutting multipolygons, the cut parts of objects are recorded as simple areal objects. By default, the metric of reference objects is matched with editable ones: intersection points are inserted into reference objects. If there is no need to edit the reference object metrics, reference object matching can be disabled. The procedure for using the mode when solving the problem of forming forest blocks is given on the "Splitting objects by lists" page
The "Auto-wrap signature lines" mode has been added to the "Editing a label" mode group, designed to perform interactive formatting of multi-line signatures texts on a map when preparing maps for publication or for drawing up reports. When changing the size of the signature metric by moving its second point, the signature text is automatically split into lines, which ensures that the overall text width corresponds to the specified size.
For desktop versions a mechanism of autosave of full copy of the map during editing has been implemented. In order for locally placed maps (on the user’s computer) to be automatically saved when editing, it is necessary in the Options/Autosave menu, to add the map into the list of maps for autosaving and to set the frequency of creating copies: after how many hours in the presence of any changes or after how many total changes since the creation of the previous copy. Copies are created in that local or network folder (storage) that the user specifies. For each map, a subdirectory is created with the map name and GUID. If a GUID has not been set in the map, it will be filled in automatically. Inside this subdirectory, directories are created with the year number, the current date and the copy number for the current date. No more than a specified number of copies can be saved per day. If conditions arise for creating new copies when there is already a maximum specified number, then intermediate copies are deleted, which are closer in creation time to neighboring copies. The remaining copies are renumbered sequentially. When you copy a map, all data files and service files are saved. A record is added into the copy creation protocol with the time of copy creation, the path to the source map, and the path to the created copy.
The task "Making rule" (borders of nomenclature sheets) on the map has been improved. A mode for forming sheet frames based on objects previously selected on the map has been added to the list of modes for selecting a construction area. The mode of constructing by selected objects is convenient in cases where the objects of interest are scattered across the map.
Task "Lists of objects" has been improved. In dialog the elements of editing lists of objects and the button for execution of operations over lists are placed on one panel that simplifies the selection and execution of requests. Modes have been added: Enable display of custom styles, Cutting objects by lists and Search of intersections. Ability has been added to edit the list name in the object list tree. Information about the composition of the list has been expanded: it is presented in the form of a map tree with a description of the total and used number of objects, layers, localizations, semantics, measurements and formulas. "Map Legend" task has been improved. On the General data list tab, functionality for working with lists of objects has been expanded. Modes have been added: Cutting objects by lists and Search of intersections. To organize collective work, the ability to save, delete and update lists of objects on the GIS Server has been added if the main map is opened from the GIS Server.
The task "Correction of object metrics", which is part of the tasks group "Check and correction of data", has been improved. The "Cut the self-intersections (loops)" mode has been added into the "Topology" mode group. The mode performs dissection of linear objects in places of self-intersections and self-junctions with the creation of new objects. The algorithm for executing the "Merge linear objects with control of direction and semantics" mode from the "Topogogy" group of modes has been improved. It is now possible to specify the maximum rotation angle of merged objects at the merging location, beyond which merging will not occur. In addition, in the "Forks" places the program selects the most straight direction from the available ones for merging.
The task "Check of vector map quality" has been improved. An additional parameter "Perform with maximum precision" has been added into the parameters of the topology control type the "Objects mismatch check". When this parameter is enabled, messages about mismatch of points less than 1 micrometer on the ground are recorded into the control protocol. When performing the control in the "Edit" mode, the discrepancies of the points less than the editable tolerance are corrected automatically.
The program of correction of object metrics has been improved: the number of iterations has been reduced when correcting linear contours containing errors in the adjacency of contour segments; the degeneration of linear contours with a small number of points containing errors of the "peaks" type has been excluded. The object metrics correction program is used to automatically correct errors in the metrics of areal and linear objects. The task is called in the main menu: Tools - Map processing by scenario - Correction of object metrics.
The "Complex of hydrological tasks" has been improved. A new mode "Modeling a breakthrough wave during the destruction of a hydraulic structure" has been added to the Reservoir mode group. The mode is intended for calculating the propagation of a breakthrough wave in the event of the destruction of a dam. The result of the program is: a graph of the advance of a breakthrough wave, a matrix of flooding of territories, a map of flooding of territories. When creating the program, methods developed by specialists from the Military training and research center of the Ground forces were used.
In the "Navigator 3D" task, the "Flying" and "Move by object" modes have been updated. Ability has been added to change the speed of movement by model during movement using the keyboard keys: "-" deceleration, "+" acceleration. After changing, the speed is saved for subsequent movement on the model in manual mode using the keyboard, during the next use of the specified modes and for the next sessions of working with the task. Previously, the speed of movement on the terrain model was changed only in the "Options" dialog, "Motion" tab, which was less convenient.
Import from format DXF has been improved. There is added a support for different code pages specified in the DXF file in the DWGCODEPAGE field for correct processing of labels on the map.
"Geodesy editor" task has been improved. The dialog "Formation of title of name and area" has been updated. The "Sign area and object name" dialog from the "Preparation of diagrams and drawings" panel has been improved. To select the semantics used as the object name, call the standard "Semantics choice" dialog. The "Creating object schema" mode has been improved, errors in setting default values have been corrected, and the process of constructing a schema has been accelerated.
The task "Cadastral documents" has been improved. In the dialog "Editing the semantics of cadastral objects" for land plots, processing of the semantics "Permitted use according to a regulatory act (text description)" has been added. Separate input of semantic values "Border registration number" and "Individual designation (kind, type, number, index) of a territorial zone" has been implemented. In the "Correction of registry error" mode, the process of forming a text report is made cross-platform using the DOCX format. Recording of information about deleted points in the report has been corrected. A filter has been installed for adding graphic files in PDF and JPG formats and using these files when inserting images into the Applications section.
In the "Land Survey Plan version 9" mode, in the "XML document" section in the "XSD schema placement" field, the default path for placing the MP_v09.xsd schema has been changed from the MP_v09 folder onto the MP_v09_R03-1_project folder. There is added a reading of the semantics "Permitted use according to the regulatory act (text description)" to fill the PermittedUseText element in the PermittedUsesOther node of the XML-file of the Land Survey Plan version 9. Writing into the XML-file of the information about the document about setting the address in the Address node has been corrected. When generating a test report and XML file of the Land Survey Plan version 9, an algorithm was implemented that uses a variable selection of data when filling out information about the mean square error in determining the coordinates of characteristic points (Mt) and the maximum error in determining the area of a land plot (dP). Information about the SKP for determining the coordinates of a characteristic point includes the following items: the method for determining the coordinates of a point (Method), the formula for calculating the SKP of a point (Formula_Mt) and the value of the SKP for determining the coordinates of a point (DeltaGeopoint). Information on the maximum error in determining the area of a land plot includes the following items: the formula for calculating the error in determining the area (Formula_dP), the normative SKP for determining the coordinates of characteristic points (Mtnorm) and the value of the maximum error in determining the area of a land plot (dP). When generating a report or XML file, the program does not calculate the Mt value of characteristic points.
Into the "Technical plan" dialog a field has been added for entering the error in determining the area of a cadastral object and recording the resulting value into the semantics and XML-file of the technical plan. The error in determining the area of real estate objects is not calculated. It is connected with the fact that calculation of the SKP for determining the area is performed by dividing the object into geometrical figures. The number of figures and the order of division are established by the cadastral engineer, and at the time of drawing up the technical plan, this information is not on the map. A recording into the XML file of object coordinates and point numbers has been added if there are no point signs on the map - characteristic points. "Date" position has been added in the table of geodetic points when saving in XML. When filling the XML file of the element "GeopointOpred" - Method for determining coordinates, the ability has been added to initialize it with the default value in the absence on the map of point signs - characteristic points. In this case, the value is taken from the semantics of the cadastral object.
The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
In GIS "Panorama" version 15 the tools for ensuring the topological correctness of digital terrain models have been added1GIS "Panorama"
Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information ensures the maintenance of a database of airdromes infrastructure in accordance with ICAO requirements
In KB "Panorama" the Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information version 8.2.6 under the control of the GIS "Panorama" or GIS "Operator" has been developed. In the new version, the dialogue "Maintaining the runway profile database" has been improved in accordance with the requirements of ICAO Doc 9157 ("Airdrome Design Manual. Part 1. "Runways") and FAP-262. For maintaining the base of the vertical profile of the runway, there are added the additional fields for entering absolute height at a point for storing values in two measurement systems (meters and feet). Input of coordinates of the parking center in the format of degrees, minutes, seconds has been implemented.
The mode "Interface for formation of marginal (out border) design and maps" mode has been improved. Ability has been added to use graphic objects when designing an approach procedure template to display text regarding the missed approach procedure and warnings (notes). To create graphic objects, a preliminary description in the aeronautical classifier (dfc.rsc) is not required, so it is more convenient to use these objects when creating a template. In the program the list of the corresponding keywords used for filling a template with the information from a database of the Complex has been expanded. The full list of keywords is presented in the document "System programmer's guide".
The complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information is a set of tools for maintaining an aeronautical data base, a modeling and analyzing the aeronautical situation, generating aeronautical maps and exchanging data with other information systems through export and import in the ARINC 424-19 exchange format and export in the AIXM 5.1 format. The task "Flight procedures design" is used to design the routes of departure, approach and landing and to analyze the safety of flights on them. The task "Assessment of compliance for aerodromes with the requirements FAR" is intended for the analysis of the aerodrome and the aerodrome environs for the suitability for operation and aircraft flights in accordance with the Federal Aviation Regulations.
The new version of the program, examples of aeronautical information documents, operational documentation, video lessons and presentations are available for download on the Download page.
Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information ensures the maintenance of a database of airdromes infrastructure in accordance with ICAO requirements1GIS "Panorama"