Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Liberia, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 15.1.2 has been developed. The new version supports formation of XML-documents according to the actual XML-schemes of Rosreestr for land survey plan MP_v09_R03, technical plan TP_v07_R03 and the certificate of inspection InspectionAct_v03_R05.
In the "Editing attributes of a cadastral object" dialog, the list of supported cadastral objects is expanded. To enter information on land management objects, support has been added for objects specified in Government Decree No. 1532 of December 31, 2015. For this purpose, the digital classifier survey.v6 has been updated, the missing objects and semantics have been added. The necessary land management objects are included in the "Cadastral plan of the territory" layer and include all types of administrative boundaries, territorial zones, zones with restrictions, zones with special conditions of use, forestries and forest parks, water objects and others.
In the "Base of cadastral works" mode, into the form of editing of point of a geodetic network the field "Coordinate system ID" has been added. The fields "scale", "date of creation" and "update date" have been added into the "Documents" table. Support of various directories of the attributive information used in different types and versions of cadastral XML-documents has been implemented. A field has been added into the list of contracts that displays whether the contract has a link to a map object. Into the form of editing the information about contract on execution of cadastral works, on the "General information" tab there are added the information fields, displaying the name of the map and the unique number of the object. There is a contract link to the object number and a button with which you can delete the link. Tools have been added for a call of dialogs for editing of elements of a database of cadastral works (contracts, cadastral engineers, customers, representatives of customers, points of a geodetic network, measuring instruments, applications) from various modes of preparing cadastral documents.
The "Land survey plan" mode has been updated. The algorithm of formation of the XML-document according to the MP_v09.xsd scheme has been refined. There are corrected the errors in creating an XML file of the land survey plan for the formation of land plots by dividing and clarifying the boundaries of a land plot with the ChangeBorder clarification type. To describe information about the specified parcels, including when clarifying the boundaries of adjacent cadastral objects, the cadastral data model has been refined. Each specified parcel must be represented on the map by two objects: the initial one - the old boundaries and the specified one - the new boundaries. If there is no coordinate description for the old boundaries in USRN, the initial parcel is not put onto a map. The initial and specified land plots must have the same identification semantics "Cadastral number" - for a one-contour land plot; "Cadastral number" and "Registration number" - for a multi-contour land plot or single land use. In nodes of metrics of the initial and specified land plots the point objects should be created. Points should be put taking into account their novelty and belonging to the cadastral object. To do this, the following semantics must be filled for point objects: Own name (for all points), Cadastral number (for points of all plots), Registration number (for points of a multi-contour land plot or uniform land tenure), Novelty (for all points), RMS error of the position of MT points (required for existing points). Along the common boundary of two adjacent plots, characteristic points should be represented by a pair of point objects. The program assigns each point object to a plot according to the identification semantics "Cadastral number" and "Registration number". To fill in an XML file with information about an adjacent plot using the ChangeBorder clarification option, a common fragment of the border of an adjacent land plot must begin and end with an existing characteristic point. Otherwise, the AllBorder clarification option must be used.
In the "Technical plan" mode, the algorithm for writing an XML document according to the TP_v07.xsd scheme has been updated. In the mode dialog, the directory dCultural_v01.xsd "Type of cultural heritage object" has been added and the directories dAssBuilding_v04.xsd "Purpose of buildings", dNetworkPoints_v02.xsd "Information about the condition (safety) of the external sign of a geodetic network point", dWall_v02.xsd "Material of the external walls of the building" have been updated. Support for the customer of information about the official has been implemented. There is improved the group of information about points of a geodetic network (coordinate system code, type of geodetic network have been added) and measuring instruments (factory number). When receiving the address of a property from FIAS, a processing of the OKTMO code has been added. The recording of types of house, corpus, constructions, apartment has been corrected. The "Copy list of documents from input data" button has been added into the "Applications" table.
In modes "Certificate of inspection of the property" the XML-document formation by default is carried out according to the XML schema InspectionAct_v03_R05, which came into effect on 11/08/2023. To support the established transition period when the use of new and previous versions of XML schemas is allowed, the program has the ability to select the version of the XML schema.
In the "Save image for graphic part of report" mode, the algorithm for saving a file in jpeg, emf, tif format has been changed, taking into account the settings for vector and raster map views. Positioning of a map after saving a file has been improved. The scale and position of the map do not change.
The "Union of objects" mode has been updated, adding the ability to unite not only areal objects, but also linear and point objects. The program analyzes the value of semantics of the source objects, forms a selection of objects of the same localization with the same semantic values and unites them into a multipolygon, multiline or multipoint. Stability of dialog to incorrectly entered initial data has been increased.
The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
Please note that on the Rosreestr website there is a recommendation - "Dear users! We ask you to use the XML schema version 06 (MP_v06) to form a land plot plan in the form of an electronic document..."
In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama Mobile" has been developed for domestic mobile OS Aurora version 1.5. In the new version the set of types of user marks in the "Navigator" task has been expanded, work with storage of maps and possibility of unpacking archives with maps into storehouse have been added.
In the program the mode for quickly saving the current map position in the "Navigator" task has been improved. When saving a point, the user can select the external view of the object from the list of suggested ones: circle, square, triangle, cross, rhombus, house, truck, tree, pipe. When creating an object, its properties are saved and when drawing the next one, the type of object and its color will be suggested as initial values. The "Navigator" task implements the accumulation and processing of the user's selected objects. The user can save places of interest to him, marking them with a text comment and highlighting them with color. After saving a point, the user can build a direction indicator to the selected point or make transition to a map to a given point. Points are automatically transferred between opened data, allowing you to use them regardless of the current background map.
In the new version by analogy to the version for OS Android the data storage has been implemented. The storage is a directory on the user's device on which fast search of supported data types is carried out. The user, using multiple selection, specifies the map files that he wants to open together or add to previously opened data. To fill the data storage, the user can independently place the data in the data storage directory or use the function of unpacking the archive with maps. When unpacking, the user selects the map archives available on the device, and the application unpacks it into the data storage.
On the KB "Panorama" website the maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data for use on mobile devices are updated. To speed up the display and search of objects, the map data are divided into regions of works. This allows you to comfortably use these maps on devices with a RAM capacity of 2 GB or more.
GIS "Panorama Mobile" allows you to open and edit the main formats of digital maps of GIS "Panorama" and popular geoportals on mobile devices based on the Aurora OS, to process information from the built-in GPS/GLONASS receiver. The user can prepare in advance a necessary set of spatial data in one of desktop products (GIS "Panorama", "Panorama-editor", GIS Panorama Mini) and to transfer it into the mobile GIS "Panorama Mobile". The process of working with data is carried out autonomously, without connecting to the Internet. When the user moves, his current position is dynamically displayed according to the coordinates obtained from the GPS/GLONASS receiver. For ease of use, it is possible to synchronize the position of the map with the current location. To save the coordinates obtained during movement, a track recording mode is provided, which creates a separate map and puts the trajectory of movement onto it. For all objects of a map during the work the basic information is provided . The program is developed on the basis of the GIS Constructor toolkit, which provides components for creating mobile applications for working with digital maps in the C++ programming language using the Qt.
Aurora OS - is a Russian mobile operating system developed by the "Open mobile platform" company. Operating system been created to build a trusted mobile infrastructure, protect sensitive information in government organizations, large and medium-sized commercial companies. Contributes to ensuring the technological sovereignty of the state through a secure mobile environment and meets all the requirements of regulators in the field of national security and information protection. Aurora OS allows centrally to operate the base of mobile devices and the used mobile software at use of Aurora Center. The current version of the mobile Aurora OS has been certified by the FSTEC of Russia and fully complies with the requirements for type "A" operating systems of 4 protection class and 4 trust levels.
The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama"version 15.1.2 has been developed. In the new version the protocols for connecting geoportals, tools for performing spatial requests over lists of objects, control of versions of digital maps during field works, tools for designing reports and maintaining digital classifiers and libraries of conventional signs have been expanded. Converters of matrix data in various formats have been updated, display of matrixes of heights with smoothing of a relief shading and construction of shadows has been accelerated. In the block of geodetic and cadastral tasks, the list of supported cadastral objects has been expanded. To enter information on land management objects, support has been added for objects specified in Government Decree No. 1532 dated December 31, 2015; support has been added for the XML scheme TP_v07.xsd, introduced by Rosreestr order No. P/0347 dated September 6, 2023 for the preparation of technical plans.
To expand the list of supported geoportals and Mbtiles, BIR, GeoPackage formats, support for the Webp format, used for image compression, has been added. The Webp format allows to compress images both with losses, and lossless. The format is based on algorithm of compression of the still image (key frame) from the VP8 video codec and on the average, it compresses images 40% more efficiently than the JPEG format. There is added a new geoportal - Topographic maps of the world.
The task "Automatic determination of the contours of arable land", which is part of the "Complex of agronomical tasks", has been improved. The task automatically determines the contours of arable land over a given area of terrain using the external web service In the new version, the user authorization protocol for the service has been changed. Authorization by token issued to the user in the personal account has been added. Recognition of field boundaries from Sentinel-2 images has been added.
"Map Legend" task has been improved. On the "General data list" tab, modes for working with lists of objects have been added. This allows you to quickly add lists by selected objects on the map and perform tasks with lists: Building a zone around objects of the selected list, Cutting objects, Union of objects, Building the areas of objects crossing. On a map the lists of objects are displayed as separate thematic layers. The composition of thematic layers in the general data list is controlled by enabling or disabling the visibility of the object list in the bottom panel. The convenience of designing the appearance of thematic layers has been improved: assigning a style and color to the list of objects has been added. Simple addition of selected objects into the list with automatic formation of the name has been added. If necessary the name can be changed in a tree of the objects list. For example, after building a zone with a radius of 10 meters around the "Lakes" list, the created objects are automatically highlighted on the map, and when further objects are added into the new list, the conditional name "Zone 10 - Lakes" will be formed. A mode for enabling or disabling the display of all thematic layers on the map has been added into the header of the "Object Lists" panel. The following modes can be applied to the selected list: Selecting a list of objects on the map, Search for objects of the list on the map, Setting the display composition by list objects.
"Map object search" and "Map contents" dialogs have been improved. In the conditions for selecting objects by measurements, a type of measurement has been added - the number of object parts. This mode allows you to select objects whose metric consists of a specified number of parts. For example, it is possible to select polygons that have internal contours, linear objects or complex titles from several parts.
The "Map comparing" task has been improved, designed to control versions of digital vector maps, dispatch the updating of digital terrain data by employees when performing field work or processing remote sensing data. Ability has been added to quickly view the characteristics of created, modified and deleted objects. When you open a work map (on the "Receiving work map" tab), the selected map automatically opens in the main application window. For clarity, the windows of the basic and working maps are arranged in the form of a mosaic: the basic one is on the right, the working one is on the left. To view information about an object specified in the list of changes, you must use the "Show object" or "Select object" mode.
"Map Editor" task has been improved. A new mode "Auto-transfer of labels lines" has been added into the "Labels" mode group, designed to perform interactive formatting of multi-line labels texts on a map when preparing maps for publication or drawing up reports. When changing the size of the label metric by moving its second point, the label text is automatically split into lines, which ensures that the overall text width corresponds to the specified size.
The library of programmable signs (dfc.iml64), used for preparing aeronautical documents with the dfc.rsc classifier, has been improved. The display of the MSA sign (minimum safe altitudes) has been improved in accordance with the requirements of ICAO (ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization). The new programmable sign "Scheme of safe altitudes (MSA)" allows more flexible setting of parameters: size and thickness of the circle line, type and thickness of the course indicator line, parameters of fonts for course and altitude signatures, distance between two-line altitude signatures (spacing). The new sign has an adaptive algorithm of scheme construction that takes into account the sizes of the central element of the scheme, the course indicator and the height of the course font.
The "Select object" dialog has been improved. On the "Semantic" bookmark the entering of numerical semantics has been simplified. When entering a value for numerical semantics, the previously entered value for this semantics is automatically entered into the field. If there are no previously entered values, the default value specified in the map classifier (Classifier Editor - Semantics - Default) is entered into the field. After entering or editing a semantics value in the object selection dialog, the value is entered into the general list of semantics values with identification by the semantics key. The list of values does not depend on the classifier used - at coincidence of a key of semantics in several classifiers, a single value is used. The list of values is written into a file c:\Users\Public\Documents\Panorama\lastvalue.xml, and is used in subsequent sessions of working with GIS.
The tasks of importing and exporting matrix of heights have been improved. When importing a matrix of heights from TIFF, SRTM, IMG and other formats, the matrix in MTW format can have an element size from 8 to 64 bits. When loading, optimization of matrix data is automatically carried out. During optimization, reduced copies are formed, and also data in 16 and 32 bit formats are compressed without loss. A matrix in compressed form usually has a significantly smaller volume relative to uncompressed data. When optimizing, matrixes with an element size of 16 bits and a height precision of 1 meter are usually reduced in 10 and more times. Reducing the volume of the matrix covering a larger area, allows you to increase display speed.
When exporting, each matrix of heights can be written in one of the recording formats (from 8 to 64 bits) and with an accuracy of height values from 1 millimeter to 1 meter. In the "Data list" dialog on the "Matrixes" tab, a call of the "Exporting a group of height matrices into TIFF and KMZ files" dialog has been added to export a group of matrixes of heights of the document into TIFF and KMZ files. The dialog allows you to select the height format in the output file: INT16, INT32, FLOAT32, FLOAT64. If the size of the exported matrix of heights exceeds the maximum TIFF file size (4 GB), then a BigTIFF file is formed. The BigTIFF format uses 64-bit offsets and supports files larger than 4 GB. The saved KMZ file is an archive of a KML file with a set of single-channel GeoTIFF files with data on relief heights. The new dialog is called using the "Save as..." item in the context menu for the "Matrix" tab.
Drawing heights and depth matrices with anti-aliasing has been accelerated. On a computer with a 4-core processor, the speed of drawing an anti-aliased matrix with shadows is increased by up to 2.5 times. When you select the "View - Matrix image - Only shadows" mode in the main menu, a shadow coloring (shading of relief) is applied on top of the map. Shadow coloring of the map improves the readability of the map relief. An example of drawing a map with shading of relief can be opened through the menu: File - Example data - c:\Users\Public\Documents\Panorama\Panorama15\data\noginsk\noginsk.mpt
In the "Classifier Editor" task, the ability has been added to set different values of the "Required semantics" attribute for different objects in the same series. For example, for a classifier of territorial planning schemes, the attributes "Cadastral number OKS" and "Cadastral number of the land plot..." are the required if the objects have the attribute "Status" with the values "Existing, Planned for reconstruction, Planned for liquidation", forming a series of objects with different symbols.
The "Correction of objects metric" task included into the "Check and correction of data" task group has been improved. The "Change 3D coordinate" mode has been added into the "Others" mode group. The mode performs change of 3D coordinate of selected objects on the map by a specified value. The task can be used to create design matrixes of relief elevations for calculations of soil volumes, modeling changes in relief.
The "Geodesy editor" task has been improved. In the "Save image for graphic part of report" mode, the algorithm for saving a file of format jpeg. emf. Tif has been changed taking into account settings of a vector and raster view of a map. The "Object union" mode has been updated, adding the ability to combine not only areal objects, but also linear and point objects. The program analyzes value of semantics of initial objects, forms a sample of objects of one type with identical values of semantics and unites them into a multipolygon, a multiline or a multipoint. The program stability to incorrectly entered input data has been increased.
The task "Cadastral documents" has been improved. In the "Editing attributes of a cadastral object" dialog, the list of supported cadastral objects has been expanded. To enter information on land management objects, support has been added for objects specified in Government Decree No. 1532 of December 31, 2015. For this purpose, the digital classifier survey.v6 has been updated, the missing objects and semantics have been added. The necessary land management objects are included in the "Cadastral plan of the territory" layer and include all types of administrative boundaries, territorial zones, zones with restrictions, zones with special conditions of use, forestries and forest parks, water objects and others. Support of various directories of the attributive information used in different types and versions of cadastral XML-documents has been implemented.
The "Land survey plan" mode has been updated. The algorithm of formation of the XML-document according to the MP_v09.xsd scheme has been refined. For the description of data on the specified ground areas, including, at specification of borders of adjacent cadastral objects the model of the cadastral data is specified. There are corrected the errors in creating an XML file of the land survey plan for the formation of land plots by dividing and clarifying the boundaries of a land plot with the ChangeBorder clarification type. To describe information about the specified parcels, including when clarifying the boundaries of adjacent cadastral objects, the cadastral data model has been refined. Each specified parcel must be represented on the map by two objects: the initial one - the old boundaries and the specified one - the new boundaries. If there is no coordinate description for the old boundaries in USRN, the initial parcel is not put onto a map. The initial and specified land plots must have the same identification semantics "Cadastral number" - for a one-contour land plot; "Cadastral number" and "Registration number" - for a multi-contour land plot or single land use. In nodes of metrics of the initial and specified land plots the point objects should be created. Points should be put taking into account their novelty and belonging to the cadastral object. To do this, the following semantics must be filled for point objects: Own name (for all points), Cadastral number (for points of all plots), Registration number for points of a multi-contour land plot or uniform land tenure), Novelty (for all points), RMS error of the position of MT points (required for existing points). Along the common boundary of two adjacent plots, characteristic points should be represented by a pair of point objects. The program assigns each point object to a plot according to the identification semantics "Cadastral number" and "Registration number".
In the "Technical plan" mode, support for the XML scheme TP_v07.xsd, introduced by order of Rosreestr dated September 6, 2023 No. P/0347, has been added. In the mode dialog, the directory dCultural_v01.xsd has been added - Type of cultural heritage object and the directories dAssBuilding_v04.xsd - Purpose of buildings, dNetworkPoints_v02.xsd - Information about the condition (safety) of the external sign of a geodetic network point, dWall_v02.xsd - Material of the external walls of the building have been updated.
In the "Correction of registry errors" mode, the algorithm has been changed to insert into the report the information about the coordinates of corrected cadastral objects (plots, OKSs and parts). Previously, it was required that there be two objects on the map with the same cadastral number (an object according to the Unified State Register and a corrected object). And if there was no object according to the Unified State Register, then the information was not inserted into the report. However, there are objects registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate without a coordinate description of their boundaries. The modified algorithm allows you to analyze only one object - the corrected one.
The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
KB "Panorama" began certification tests of the updated software product "GIS WebService (GIS WebService SE)" PARB.00160-02 in the certification system for information security means of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for compliance with the requirements of the governing document of the State Technical Commission of Russia, including monitoring the absence of undeclared capabilities and compliance of real and declared functionality in the documentation. The GIS WebService SE software product has been modified for use in the OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" RUSB.10015-01 (versions 1.6 and 1.7).
GIS WebService SE is designed to process requests on a TCP\IP network. Service allows to issue the vector spatial information, to perform search of objects by semantic characteristics, to carry out creation and editing of vector maps, to do calculations on a map, to execute construction of surfaces and graphs of roads, to calculate coordinates of objects, to build a map legend, to display thematic maps. The service includes the GIS Application Service. The service is designed to create pyramids of tiles in PNG or JPEG format using spatial data, allows you to perform transaction operations to create new, update or delete existing objects in service data sets, to output spatial data in GML format, receive metadata, and information about the terrain.
The current version of the program is always available for download in the Download section.
New version of GIS WebService SE for Astra Linux Special Edition is aimed at certification in the information security certification system2Server applications