Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2024
In KB "Panorama" the
Creation of the passport of aerodrome (heliport, landing site) is carried out on the basis of MS Word format templates included in the installation package of the program. At filling of templates the data from the database of the Complex of format PostgreSQL version 9.4 and higher is used.
The dialog
The complex for preparing documents of aeronautical information is a set of tools for maintaining an aeronautical data base, a modeling and analyzing the aeronautical situation, generating aeronautical maps and exchanging data with other information systems through export and import in the ARINC 424-19 exchange format and export in the AIXM 5.1 format. The task "Flight procedures design" is used to design the routes of departure, approach and landing and to analyze the safety of flights on them. The task "Assessment of compliance for aerodromes with the requirements FAR" is intended for the analysis of the aerodrome and the aerodrome environs for the suitability for operation and aircraft flights in accordance with the Federal Aviation Regulations.
The new version of the program, examples of aeronautical information documents,
Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on using mode the
Pyramids of tiles can be created based on a combination of digital vector maps, space and aerial photography, matrixes of heights, data from geoportals and other data.
The purpose of forming a set of rasters (tiles) is to accelerate the display in WEB and mobile applications of spatial data containing a large number of objects or occupying large amounts of data. Display acceleration is achieved by the method of image caching - the display of the vector map area is replaced by the display of the area of a pre-built raster, which is cached on the client using a WEB browser.
Using the Mbtiles format will allow offline access to pre-prepared spatial data.
You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.
In KB "Panorama" the
Complex cadastral workы is carried out simultaneously in relation to all land plots, buildings, constructions located on the territory of one cadastral quarter or the territories of several adjacent cadastral quarters (with the exception of linear objects), as well as objects of construction in progress, information about which is contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. To start the "Formation of a map-plan of the territory" mode, it is necessary to select a cadastral quarter or other object on the cadastral map that limits the territory of work. To prepare a cadastral map containing the results of complex cadastral works, the survey.v6 digital classifier has been refined. The necessary objects are arranged in the form of a separate layer CADASTRAL PLAN OF THE TERRITORY.
The program analyzes the map, reads information about all objects of complex cadastral works and displays information in a dialog for viewing and editing. The information of the general sections of the map-plan of the territory is stored in the tables of the cadastral database of the SQLite format and is linked to the cadastral map object that limits the territory of cadastral work. When the program is restarted, the entered values are automatically read and displayed in the dialog elements. The dialog
The mode
In the "Technical plan" dialog, the order of inserting "Floor plan (parts of the floor)" graphic files into Word has been corrected. In dialog
In the module "Geodesy editor", in dialog
The task of
The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
In KB "Panorama" the
The new form of permission to put an object into operation includes 7 sections: details of the permission to put an object into operation, information about the developer, information about the capital construction object, information about the land plot, information about the building permit on the basis of which the construction was carried out, reconstruction of capital construction object, actual indicators of the capital construction object and information about the technical plan, actual indicators of the linear object and information about the technical plan. For a new form of permission to put an object into operation, additional attributes for capital construction objects have been added to the urban planning database, the attributive information of the permission to put an object into operation has been loaded into electronic map objects.
To generate a permission to put an object into operation, you must specify the object of real estate and fill in the document attributes located on the tabs of the form. Attribute information of the document is filled in the new dialog "Permission to put the object into operation", which is called from the register of accounting objects or by clicking the "Reports formation" button located on the main panel of the Complex. The dialog tabs correspond to the sections of the new form of the document. Many attributes are filled in automatically in accordance with the building permit, on the basis of which the construction (reconstruction) of the capital construction object was carried out. After filling in the attributive information, you can generate a document in the office suite. Completely blank sections of the form are not included into the document.
The form of the document is formed on the basis of prepared templates of the dot format. Templates contain a descriptive part and named markers that tell the program where to insert data. Procedure of document formation is customizable. The user can change a template according to various regional and departmental requirements. There is a relationship between the attributes of the permission to put the object into operation and the markers in the template, which is customized in the directory "List of attributes for type of accounting object". To exchange data with an electronic map in the same directory, each attribute can be assigned any semantic characteristic of the object according to the survey classifier.
Saving of the created document "Permission to put object into operation" in urban-planning database has been implemented.
The generated permission to put the object into operation can be saved on disk in doc, docx, pdf formats. If necessary, an electronic copy of the document is loaded into the file storage of the database of the Complex. In this case, the document file is attached to the list of files of the capital construction object.
By means of the "Update of semantics on the map" mode, it is possible to load the attributive information of permission to put the object into operation into the electronic map's object. A necessary condition for updating semantics is the existence of a connection between a record in the database and an object on the map. The update procedure can work both with one or several records, and with the entire list of capital construction objects.
The new version of the program is available for download in the