In KB "Panorama" the digital geographic map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format onto territory of the Republic of Croatia has been prepared. As a source for preparation of the map the VMap0 data obtained from the information from the site has served. The map contain information on the number of inhabitants for cities and the name of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and OpenStreetMap data were used.
The map was led to the classifier of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for a general assessment of the area and the study of natural conditions, to ensure the educational process, as a basis for the creation of geographic maps of a smaller scale, thematic and special maps, and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free of charge under a free license.
Digital geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 14.3.4 has been developed. In the new version the templates of forest declaration have been updated in accordance with the requirements of the Order No. 303 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation dated 04/29/2021. Modes "Filling the report for object", "Print the summary report on selected objects" and "Creating scheme of object and report filling" have been improved. To fill in the reports, the metrics and semantics of the map's objects "Forest area" are used. Before performing the operation for filling the report form it is necessary to fill semantics of all map objects, information about which must be included into the forest declaration.
The forest declaration reflects information about the person who filed the forest declaration; on a lease agreement for a forest area or other document in accordance with which the use of forests is carried out; about the location of the forest area; on the volume of forest use; on the types of use of forests, which are provided for by the forest lease agreement, or other document in accordance with which the use of forests is carried out, the project of forest development for the declared period. Support for XML files larger than 4 GB has been implemented. It is used when importing GML data, reading cadastral data from XML format files, and in other tasks.
For automatic control of entered values of character semantics in "Classifier Editor" the possibility has been added for assigning to one semantics at once the several templates of a string defining the order of entering values, for example, a cadastral number with a six-digit or seven-digit quarter number. For strings that have value templates, when you enter a value in the "Select Object" dialog, it checks if it matches one of the specified templates. If there is a mismatch, the message indicates to the user the character number from which the input string does not match the template.
The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.
In "Workstation of cadastral engineer" the tools for formation of a forest declaration in accordance with the federal legislation have been updated4Cadastre and urban building
In GIS "Operator" the tools of studying the terrain and processing of spatial data have been added
In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 14.3.4 has been developed. In the new version there are improved the tools of reports designing, search of objects by their location on the ground, editing of attributes, processing and display of remote sensing data and displaying the sea maps S57/S52. Python scripts have been added for multi-threaded calculations by a road graph, diagnostic tools have been supplemented when executing scripts in python and other tools.
The "Report Designer" task has been improved. A new mode "Additional design" has been added, which allows you to apply onto the report layout the auxiliary design elements: icons of linear scales and a direction onto the north, as well as design frames of various types. Possibilities for display of titles have been expanded. New properties of design the titles allow to mark the title by a shade, outline, a background and a frame, and also to format the text taking into account a spacing sign (an insert of spaces) and the chosen register (uppercase, lowercase, as in a sentence). Examples of titles are given on the map included into the GIS "Panorama" installation: menu File - Example data - data\shape\shape.sitx. There is added the ability to change the thickness of solid and dashed contours of objects by the value of the service semantics "Line thickness in mm" (31005).
The task "Highlight any area" has been improved. Automatic detection of the highlighting mode for objects inside the area has been added. When drawing an area from left to right, objects that are completely inside the selected area will be highlighted (the color of the area is blue), and from right to left, objects that intersect it (the color of the area is green).
The task "Select Object" has been improved. On the "Metrics" tab, the ability to delete the selected coordinates of an object by the list has been added. When coordinates are selected in the table, the selected area is synchronously highlighted on the scheme. For automatic control of entered values of character semantics in "Classifier Editor""Classifier Editor" the possibility has been added for assigning to one semantics at once the several templates of a string defining the valid characters in value of a string or the sample of a string of a special purpose, for example, GUID, cadastral number and others. For strings that have value templates, when you enter a value in the Select Object dialog, it checks if it matches one of the specified templates. If there is a mismatch, the message indicates to the user the character number from which the input string does not match the template.
Display of rasters with smoothing has been added. When the image of terrain images is enlarged by more than 2 times from the original size in pixels, smoothing is performed. The new algorithm of display allows to get rid of "pixelization" effect when you increase the rasters. Image smoothing is performed by bicubic interpolation method (by 16 nearest raster elements). Smoothing is enabled or disabled via the main menu: View - Raster smoothing. The task "Import of raster data" has been improved. There is added a use of ZRS placing files from Zulu for automatic positioning of imported rasters. In dialog "Import of raster data" for an automatic binding of the raster image in the work region the binding's files the WORLD FILE, TAB and MAP are also supported. To use a binding file when importing rasters, in the dialog it is enough to select the type of binding file or the name of the product that generated the file from the list.
The algorithm of data compression of a matrix of heights has been improved. Functions of optimisation of a matrix of heights were improved: compression of 16-bit data has been added. This algorithm is used at loading a matrix of heights in the following modes: File - Import rasters or matrixes from... - Matrix (SRTM, GeoTIFF, IMG), GDAL matrix (IMG, DEM...). To compress previously loaded 16-bit matrixes, select the matrix in the list of data and select the "Optimization" item in the context menu (select the "Optimization of packed matrixes" mode in the dialog). Typically, a compressed matrix occupies a volume 5-7 times less than the original volume and contains 3-4 overview matrixes (reduced copies). Reducing the volume and using reduced copies greatly accelerates the visualization of the matrix. Support for XML files larger than 4 GB has been added. It is used when importing GML data, reading cadastral data from XML format files, and in other tasks.
Tools have been enhanced for diagnosing and debugging python scripts executed from the "Run applications" dialog on the "Scripts" bookmark. In debug mode, you can execute a script one line at a time, view the values of local and global variables, enter or bypass functions, set breakpoints, make changes to the script code, and re-execute it. Into the list of basic scripts, section the "Calculations by road graph" has been added with the script "Search for minimum distances between map objects". The new script demonstrates the ability to calculate the shortest distances between two sets of objects recorded on different maps and generate a report in a CSV file. The selected semantics - object identifiers (cadastral number, address or other property) and the shortest distance for each pair of objects are written into the file. The script demonstrates writing of multi-threaded tasks, which can speed up the execution of scripts by an order of magnitude by loading all the processor cores on the computer.
The task of connecting geoportals has been improved. When connecting the Cadastral quarters layer, Rosreestr's geoportal requests data from a more accurate level, taking into account the presence of tiles. On the layer of Cadastral plots a possibility has been added for viewing information about plots by means of the button on the main panel the "Viewing the information on object". When connecting geoportals with a slow speed of issuing tiles, the periodic drawing of data on the screen in a background mode is carried out to improve image perception. For accurate alignment of the contours of terrain objects on images of pictures, vector maps and geoportals with an accuracy up to mm, a dialog for setting the geoportal offset has been added. The dialog is called by the right mouse button in the list of geoportals. To ensure the readability of tiles from geoportals on smartphones and tablets with high resolution, the image is automatically scaled to the standard resolution of the original tiles (96 dpi) with the adjustment of the image scale and the determined coordinates of points.
Possibilities of applying user semantics have been expanded for recording arbitrary object properties which are not described in the list of semantics of RSC classifier. User semantics are created when importing vector data (SHP, KML, MIF, DXF, WFS, GML, JSON, and others), when the field names (keys) of object attributes are not found in the selected RSC classifier. To support such semantics in various tasks ("Map Editor", "Map Computer", "Search for objects" and others), temporary semantics are created in the RSC classifier in the range of codes 660000 and higher for the duration of a GIS session. Semantics name is filled by name of fields in the source vector data. This provides work with user-defined semantics and semantics from RSC in a common list in various tasks. When simultaneous opening several maps with one classifier, the list of temporary semantics will be supplemented with user semantics from all maps. When opening different combinations of maps, temporary codes in different sessions may have different values. When exporting vector maps to SXF and TXF files, user semantics is written with code 32862 and data record of the form "field_name:value". When imported, such semantics are transfered back into temporary semantics with the addition of new code to RSC. On the map, semantics are written with codes in the range from 60000 and above. The correspondence between the semantics code on the map and the field name is stored in the map metadata. When opening a map by the list of field names of user semantics, temporal semantics are automatically added into RSC.
Ability has been added to save several open matrixes of heights into one matrix (MTW file) with the specified parameters. The program allows you to save matrixes of different accuracy, that are opened locally or through the GIS Server. Mandatory execution condition: matrixes of heights must be of the same type (absolute heights, relative heights or total heights). For the stored matrix, the scale, precision, and height units can be specified that are different from the characteristics of the initial data. Reducing the size of the element allows you to increase the accuracy of the matrix in plan coordinates, but increases the size of the resulting matrix. The choice of height measurement units (mm, cm, dm, m) affects the accuracy of height storage: if "mm" is selected, the accuracy of height storage is maximum, if "m" is selected, it is minimal. The choice of the unit "m" (meters), for example, makes sense when processing matrixes of heights with an accuracy of 30 meters per element or more. When choosing the unit "m", the size of the resulting matrix can be reduced by two or more times (compared to "mm"). The task is called via the menu: File - Export to... - Matrix (TXT, TIFF, KMZ, MTW) - in the file selection dialog, select the "MTW file" file type.
The digital classifier of sea maps S57navy.rsc and the procedure for importing digital maps of the S57 standard have been improved to increase the degree of compliance of the displayed maps with the S52 standard.
The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban planner" version 14.3.4 has been developed. In the new version, the tools of accessing the registries of urban planning documentation are optimized, the possibilities of the mode of autofilling the land plot development regulations are expanded, and the check for the presence of the PostgreSQL driver in the ODBC system has been implemented.
"Workstation of urban planner" allows you to accumulate in the database the information about land plots, capital construction objects, engineering communications, as well as store urban planning documentation in specialized sections of ISOGD. In the new version, to improve work efficiency and increase the speed of information processing, the processes of accessing data stored in the system metadata have been optimized. At execution of long processes, the information window has been added and the exit from uncompleted process without loss of data is provided.
Between registers of the "Workstation of urban planner" an information interaction and spatially-logic communications with digital map's objects are established. The formation and maintenance of a database of urban planning regulations established by the rules of land use and development is supported. Using the map of territorial zoning, it is possible to automatically establish the rules for building a land plot.
"Workstation of urban planner" supports work with PostgreSQL DBMS. In the new version a check of presence of the PostgreSQL driver in the ODBC system on the user's computer is added. Without the installed driver, the functionality of the program is limited, only modes for working with a digital map are available.
The new version of the program and the updated documentation are placed the website in the Download section.
"Workstation of urban planner" increases the speed of processing large volumes of urban planning documentation stored in the database4Cadastre and urban building
Maps of the Ryazan and Tambov regions have been updated on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data"
Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared and placed the maps of the Ryazan and Tambov regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data were obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".