Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2025
Specialists of KB "Panorama" took part in annual scientifical-practical branch conference the
The conference was organized by the Center (research, combat deployment and military trials of unmanned aircraft). Taking into account the specifics of the event and staff of participants, in the report there were covered the issues of increasing the efficiency of using the digital terrain information in the automated command and control systems, navigation systems, means of combat defeat at pointing at the target and in simulators. For survey orientation on the ground a single cartographical basis, presented by a tile geo-covering can be used.
GIS "Operator" provides rapid processing of photographic materials coming from the UAV, as "block layout" displayed on the background of image of a single cartographical basis. This allows you to quickly assess areas, to receive and process the intelligence data. Exact processing of photographic materials and obtaining of orthophotomaps is carried out by photogrammetric complexes. The received images in GeoTIFF format are opened in the environment of GIS "Operator" with an automatic reference to the terrain. Thus, the program "on the fly" reprojected an orthophotomap at adding to a single cartographical basis. Integrated use of orthophotomaps and a matrix of elevation of a relief allows to synthesise in an environment of GIS "Operator" the image of area displaying the forms of a relief together with the image of area for a visual assessment of the terrain and performance of calculating and analytical tasks.
KB "Panorama" developed
The range of agrarian geoinformation products includes the GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS "Panorama FARMING", GIS "Panorama AUTO", "Workstation of agronomist", GIS WebServer AGRO.
The navigation subsystem as one of components is embedded into agricultural GIS and includes tools for the automated accounting the farming operations. Gathering information for the functioning of the system is carried out automatically. Information about mobile objects is placed into the database of system and are processed by the program on specific algorithms. All measurements have coordinates and time of registration. As a result the program conducts the automatic registration of mechanized operations, calculates the processed areas, the traveled distance, the amount of the applied fertilizers, assesses the quality of performed works and allows to correlate the actual data with the planned agro-technical activities.
Construction of agrarian GIS on the basis of technology of integrated use of remote sensing data and results of satellite navigation measurements shows high efficiency of managing the agronomic activities and provides reliable control of technology of cultivation of agricultural crops.
New versions of programs are available for download in the
Specialists of KB "Panorama" made updating the classifier for maps of public sources (OpenStreetMap). Changes are made in the appearance of the objects of the road network and streets that are displayed in two lines. Specified objects are customized by means of the new style "Line with a contour". The classifier with new styles is available when working in programs the
On page "Digital maps and images" there are available for download the maps in format SXF, generated on the basis of OpenStreetMap data. For work with these maps you can use
Classifier is available for downloading on pages the "Classifiers" and "Digital maps and images".
Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Complex of conducting a databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps and images".
In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebService SE version 10.3 is developed. In the new version of service the number of requests for an asynchronous call of long processes is increased. For solving the problems of territorial planning there is refined the request of construction of overlay operations to which the answer comes instantly. There is added the parameter - the distance to a buffer zone for limiting the selection of objects.
Mechanisms of an asynchronous call of long processes of GIS WebService SE allow client applications (for example, GIS WebServer SE) quickly to get answers about the beginning of operation's execution. In the course of work the GIS WebServer SE can receive the information on a progress of works of this operation in the form of the progress bar with percent display.
To optimize the storage of vector data in a format suitable for display of 3D models, there is added the ability to store data in separate directories. To work with a multisheet map (map), the projects of data (mpt) there are improved the requests by standard WFS, WFS-T and the request of receiving the passport data of a map.
The interface of the service's administrator is improved. Visual functions of waiting the answer from service are added. Support of queries in encoding in a national language is implemented.
GIS WebService SE supports all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS), by means of which the transmission and display of spatial data is carried out. In the program the possibility of issuing tiles on any user or local coordinate system is realised. The application is implemented on Windows and Linux platforms, is compatible with web-server the Apache, IIS, nginx.
The new version of the program and the documentation are available on the web-site in