Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2021
Specialised GIS
GIS "Operator" " includes editing tools of the operating environment, a variety of classificators and the library of conventional signs of the operational environment...
A geographic information system, designed to display 2D vector maps, rasters and matrixes, and 3D models created in GIS "Map 2011", connection of GPS receiver and maps printing...
Intended for creating, editing and printing of digital maps and plans of cities of various purposes, maintaining databases with customizing the user forms for viewing tables, for formation of queries and reports for viewing schemes of territorial planning, urban cadastre and other tasks...
Set of applied tasks for processing of results of engineering-geological researches, preparation and formation of drawings of engineering-geological columns and cuts, calculation of volumes and creation of earthwork plans...
Automates processes of processing and the analysis of the data arriving as a result of monitoring measurements in points of supervision over a condition of a physical field (the phenomenon, an event, etc.)...
The program for navigation by vector's and raster's maps and matrixes of heights in formats of the GIS Map 2011 (Panorama) in OS Windows Mobile...